Giveaway: Lily Jade Diaper Bag
People always ask me why our nanny is never present in the photos on my blog, like it’s some covert operation akin to Angelina Jolie’s pack of caregivers always hovering just out of frame. But the truth is, Ruth is not in my photos because she is usually not there when Mike and I are with the girls. She comes at 8am just as I am leaving to take Mazzy to school and leaves at 6pm when I get home.
Mazzy is in school the majority of the day but sometimes, I’ll meet Ruth and Harlow for lunch or give Ruth some time off while I take Harlow to a class. My schedule is flexible so I am almost always available for doctor’s appointments and class field trips. Depending on timing, I might come home to get Harlow or Ruth will drop Harlow off at my office, which is in walking distance from our apartment.
But it’s not often we all go on an outing together.
Over the course of the day, Ruth and I text each other playdate times and pertinent info, but we are far beyond instructions and schedules. After five years, Ruth knows my kids naptimes and eating quirks almost better than I do.
She sends Mike and I photos and videos of the girls throughout the day and sometimes we’ll send them to her over the weekend too. If Harlow or Mazzy do something particularly amusing, Ruth is usually the first person I want to tell because I know she will get it better than anybody else. Ruth is also the person I text if I can’t locate Mazzy’s Boo or Harlow’s favorite pair of sunglasses— she almost always knows where I can find them.
I know being a nanny is a job, but Ruth is exceptionally close with my kids and I really think of her as family.
She has been our trusted caregiver since Mazzy was six months old.
She has known Harlow since the day she was born.
She has watched my blog grow from something I was doing after work to something I am doing full-time.
Mike and I have always known that as the kids get older, our arrangement with Ruth would need to change, but the change is happening about a year earlier than we expected.
You see, Ruth is expecting a baby of her own.
I swear, I almost burst into tears writing that. Partly because I am so happy for her. Partly because change is hard. But mostly because I know Ruth is going to make the absolute best mom.
Before you get weepy too, Ruth is not leaving us for good. She is taking time off to have her baby over the summer. Her last day is June 30th and she will be returning October 1st. When she comes back, she will be working part time in the afternoons. We have enrolled Harlow in a preschool Monday through Friday morning, so Ruth’s hours will start when she picks up Harlow after school.
Part of being our nanny has been having firsthand experience with all the baby products and gear I have received through the blog over the years. We share a stroller and a diaper bag after all, and Ruth never hesitates to tell me what is and isn’t working for her.
Ruth and I both have a lot of experience with the Lily Jade diaper bags since I have been working with them for the past year and have more than one that we alternate between us. The removable baby organizer comes standard in all Lily Jade diaper bags, which makes it super easy for us to transfer Harlow and Mazzy’s necessities (snacks, cups, diapers, wipes, etc.) from bag to bag, regardless of who is carrying it.
When I asked Ruth what she wanted for her baby shower, she asked for a Lily Jade of her own. She picked the Madeline in red canvas because she likes the option to convert her bag into a backpack when necessary.
We have Ruth’s real baby shower this weekend, but we staged a little baby shower of our own earlier this week.
I can’t wait to see how she stocks the bag when all the choices are her own.
I won’t reveal the name of her baby yet, because it’s not my place, but I will tell you it’s unique and beautiful. I will also tell you that at 6pm when Ruth leaves for the day, Mazzy and Harlow say goodbye to both her and her unborn baby by name, which is just the sweetest thing.
As emotional as I am about Ruth leaving for three months, Harlow and Mazzy are not going to know what hit them. Especially Harlow. She is very attached.
So, I think it’s safe to say, in the remaining days of June, I will be taking TONS of photos of Ruth. I will need them to show my girls, when they tell me they miss her over the summer.
Congratulations, Ruth. You are going to be the most amazing mom! I know better than anybody.
And I can’t wait to meet your new baby girl.
1) Visit Lily Jade on Facebook (feel free to “follow” while you’re there!) and leave a comment below talking about your the caregiver you could not live without. It could be your spouse, your mom, your sitter, yourself, etc.
2) For a second entry, follow Lily Jade on Instagram and leave a second comment saying you did so.
3) For a third entry, follow Lily Jade on Twitter, tweet the following and leave a third comment saying you did so.
I just entered to win a @lilyjadeco diaper bag from @mommyshorts!
One winner will be announced on June 26th.
Good luck!
And the winner is… Sandy Chiang, who can’t live without her mom.
Congrats! Please contact to claim your prize.
This post was sponsored by Lily Jade, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Because of the high cost of childcare where we live, it actually made more sense to quit my job and stay home with our toddler. We worked it out and I would only be contributing an extra $100-$200 a month after childcare costs. (I worked on call and at late andweekend hours) Being home with my baby is absolutely worth cutting back a bit on the monthly budget.
My husband and I work opposite shifts so that one of us can always be with our daughter. We do have a daycare which we love for the rare occasion when we need help.
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My mom cared for my son for 15 months and she has been the biggest support I could ask for. I don’t know what I would do without her. When she went back to work, and we started Daycare, I was a hot mess. Our daycare provider is amazing, Lucas loves his Aunty Patty (as he calls her) and I could not be more grateful to have someone who nurtures him and genuinely loves him.
My husband will be staying home to take care of our son when I go back to work in the fall. I am glad that he is willing to do this and am so happy that our baby is going to have such a close relationship with his daddy. And I’m jealous of their time together too 🙂
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I could not do it with my husband. He’s a SAHD with our two year old daugther (and another one due in August). He’s not only great at caring for her, he’s great at keeping the house in order and gives me 100% of my evening to focus on our daugther. I’m so so so lucky that we both love what we do and have this life together.
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I could not live without my amazing husband. He is so patient with our boys even though he goes to school and work full time.
Our daughter is in daycare and we were hesitant at first because I decided to stay home with her for 10 months last year and we knew the transition would be hard. We picked a daycare and ended up winning the lottery because her teacher is amazing. Our daughter loves her and even asks to go see her on the weekends 🙂 There is no better feeling than knowing you have found someone you trust to watch your child when you can’t stay home with them everyday.
Following on Instagram! @hellokelcey
I couldn’t leave without my mother and father in laws. They are always ready to help me not just with babysitting but advise and wise words when I am struggling. They rock!!
ny parents moved to Vegas, where I live, from Los Angeles about six months after my daughter was born. It has been the most heaven sent thing to have them here. I don’t know what I’d do without my mom. And it’s such a blessing to see my daughter with her grandparents so often.
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I couldn’t do this parenting gig without my husband! I’m a SAHM and an outside provider isn’t in the budget so the only breaks I get are when he takes over. He’s the only one who gets it the way I do and he keeps me knowing that everything is actually ok even when it doesn’t seem like it!
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I am a stay at home mom but I couldn’t do it without my husband. He works long hours but when he gets home from work his main focus is our two girls. He plays with them, usually does bath time, cooks on the weekends and helps with the housework. I am very fortunate to have him!!
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I am expecting my first in a few months, but even now, I know I couldn’t do this without my hubby. He has been such an incredible support and cheerleader throughout this whole process, and I know he’s going to be an amazing father.
I cannot live without my mom and my in-laws. My mom is 20 minutes away and she will drop everything and come to us when needed. She will bring food for Olivia and us. The other day I didn’t feel good my mom brought over food, made sure I drink liquids and played with her granddaughter. The In-laws watch Olivia 3 days a week when I go to work. They take her to the library and park. I’m grateful we have family nearby to watch our daughter when needed.
Avid follower of Lily Jade on Instagram and Facebook!
The caregivers we could not have lived without are Laura and Ana. Laura cared for my girls for many years, and then moved on to a different job. Then Ana came and has been with us ever since. Both came to our house while I worked full-time (often long days) away from home.
My two girls are in their twenties now. The youngest just got married, and both Laura and Ana attended (so sweet). My oldest daughter is expecting her first baby, so it is for her that I would love to win this awesome diaper bag.
Honestly I think the best thing I’ve ever done is decided to stay home with my baby. We always have to defend our choice but we know it’s the best because of how close our bond is. I’m so thankful to my fiance for constantly supporting me and taking on full responsibility of Being the breadwinner.
Following on instagram! @ana_sosa325
My mom, dad, and mother in law!
We could not live without Charlie’s sitter Patricia! He goes to a home daycare and she truly loves each child as if they were her Grandkids! I’m so thankful Charlie loves going to her house and doesn’t cry. Some days he doesn’t even want to go home!
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I love the look of all the Lily Jade stuff! So pretty!
We are actually amazingly lucky with our caregiver–the same woman who helped raise my husband and his sisters is watching our kids during the day. Her name is Lucy, and she’s amazing!! The kids LOOOOOOOVE her–you’d think a rock star was showing up at our house from the way they scream every time her car pulls up. She’s teaching them Spanish, and is so loving with them. She spoils them almost as much as their grandparents do!
visited LJ on FB and already follow! 🙂 could not do it without my sweet hubby, since we moved recently and are just making contacts where we live. but we do send our kiddos to daycare and i am so thankful for them! they keep our kids on a schedule and love on them when we can’t be with them.
I am so very very grateful for the kind ladies that work in the child care room at my gym.
There are several peopIe I couldn’t do without. First of all I couldn’t do without my husband. He always knows when I’m on the brink and steps up to give me some much needed me time not to mention the financial support so I can stay home with our little. My sister and mother in law who are more then willing to take our monster so we can have the occasional date night.
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My mom. She lives 6 hrs away but she visits often and never stops helping when she’s here. Whether cleaning or cooking or playing with the boys so I can eat an uninterrupted breakfast it is all greatly appreciated!
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My husband is the caregiver I couldn’t live without! He is an equal partner in all things childcare, including doctor’s appointments, middle-of-the-night wakeups and early morning rising. He is so supportive of me taking time for myself when I need it and so in love with being a dad.
I could not do this whole parent thing without my husband. He is truly my partner and I think he has truly come alive being Dad to our little guy.
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My sisters. Together they run an in-home group daycare and my little one goes there. I love that he is able to be cared for by my sisters, who are amazing moms themselves. His little sister will be joining when hubby and I head back to school in the Fall. I also followed on instagram and twitter. 🙂
Following on IG. Profile wag_2013 is private.
Ohh…Facebook too!
I would definitely be lost without my mom’s help! My hubby and I both work full time (I work from home and keep my daughter most days), but some days I need to meet with clients and cannot take her with me, and my hubby has very little pto left after tearing his acl and meniscus, so I feel so blessed that my mom (who lives 2 hours away!!) doesn’t hesitate to take leave from her own job to hang out with my sweet girl for the day! My daughter just loves being able to cuddle with her Nana and is always sad when it is time for her to head home.
I am so thankful for my sister, Liz. She lived with us until our first daughter was 18 months old, and she still is our children’s favorite and most trusted babysitter. She is our wonderful Auntir Biz!
I follow lily jade on Instagram too 🙂
I could not live without my husband. He is the best father to our two boys. And they are over the moon in love with him. He is my rock. Being a military family and moving so often, he truly is my best friend and the person I lean on for everything.
Obviously I couldn’t do it without my hubby! He’s a school teacher and is out for the summer which is AWESOME because I am 37 weeks pregnant with our second child, and chasing a 2 1/2 year old around is getting more difficult by the day. I am so blessed that I get to have him home during this special time!
I am the caregiver! I have been babysitting for 14 years for many families and now I have a 3 day a week nanny job for 2yo twins and 4yo. It’s so fun and crazy! I love it and can’t wait to be a mom myself…one day. This bag is awesome! I use a backpack now but that would be much better.
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My husband is in the military. He us a drill instructor so he works very long hours sometimes 20hrs a day, with no days off for 12 weeks straight. So for 77 days straight it is just my there year old, 8 month old and myself. Moving around so often it makes it hard to build relationships with others and to trust them with my children so I do not have a caregiver for my children besides myself. It’s hard being with them 24/7 and dragging them to my doc apts, hair apts, etc. But I try to make the best of it. I try to remember that these are the best years of my life and to savor every second of babies growing up. I’m super lucky to get to stay home with them.
I tweeted! -@lettersforluke
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My son goes to a nearby daycare while I am working and I am so thankful that they are so great and so close. I am also thankful that my husband is such an awesome dad. I never hesitate leaving him with my hubby like some women do.
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there are so many! but for day to day help I couldn’t live without, I’d have to say my husband. I am a stay at home mom and I have a hard time asking him for help because they feel like I’m asking him to do his job and mine. but despite my shortcomings, he’s always there to take over as soon as he walks in the door, no matter how full or bad his day has been. and he almost always does bath time. that alone makes him my hero. 🙂
I follow Lily Jade on Instagram. @cmafairman
I follow Lily Jade on Twitter, & I tweeted.
My son, Alex, has gone to Miss Sue’s since he was 9 weeks old! She loves him like a true member of her own family! She’s knows his quirks, funks and isn’t afraid to tell me exactly how his is behaving! It’s been a joy and blessing to drop him off to a place where I know he is getting love, attention, and friendships! Thank you Miss Sue for being awesome!!
Follow Lily Jade on Instagram too!! @lesliecatherine84
My MIL is definitely the lifesaver, she helps a LOT. And I’m a SAHM so it’s usually for date nights.
I am a full time stay at home mom. It’s ridiculously rewarding and also very exhausting. I could not do it without my mom and sister. I live over an hour away from them, which I absolutely hate, but we three-way text daily and I am able to get all the mom advice I need and they answer all my questions and concerns. I don’t know what I’d do without them to bounce ideas off and confide in
– Courtney
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I could not parent without my mom AND my husband. My husband is definitely my partner and we work as a team when it comes to our kids. We have four boys: 4yo, 19mo, and 12 week old twins. If my day has been too crazy, he’s happy to send me out for a few hours on my own. My mom lives a few states away and she comes to visit at the end/beginning of every month just to help us out. She cleans, cooks, and helps out with the boys, as well as giving us a date night. I don’t know what I’d do without her.
I’m following Lily Jade on Instagram.
I couldn’t live workout my husband – he does so much, from daycare pick ups and drop offs, to food prep and so much more!
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I’m so glad she’s coming back!
I was the nanny who joined the family when the oldest was 6 months old. I stayed on through ten years: two more siblings, a brief hiatus while I pursued another thing, a move, my own marriage and pregnancy, and then almost two years with my son along for the ride before the youngest went to full time school and we parted ways. Four kids. Such a happy zoo. So much love. Almost six years later, I still see them, my son still thinks of them like particularly cool cousins, and I cannot imagine my life without those “first kids” of mine. Mazzy and Harlow are so lucky to have her, and her baby will be so lucky to have Mazzy and Harlow.
Hands down, I couldn’t live without “the grandmas”, aka my mom and my mother-in-law. They jump in whenever we need them and can’t get enough of their grand-kids. They are my village!
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I don’t know what I would do without my husband. My second baby is almost two weeks old and I also have a 15 month old. My husband has been doing everything for my 15 month old the past few weeks. He does bath time, diaper changes, night feeds, and just getting the little guy some scenery outside the house. Being exhausted from taking care of s newborn, the help is much appreciated. I don’t know what I would do without him.
I could not do it without my wonderful husband! He truly is the best help I could ask for!
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I followed lily jade on Instagram. @onehomemade
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Congratulations to your Ruth! I loved learning about her and seeing her smile.
Love that bag too, what a perfect gift.
I am a stay at home mom, in home daycare provider, and photographer. My husband works a full time job outside of the office. Some days are hard, some days are harder, and some days are great but it’s always nice to share those days with him. When I’m not caring for other children at our house, I’m frequently out at a photography session and I am so thankful that my husband is the one staying with our kids during that time too. It’s a shared responsibility between us and I’m so grateful for that.
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The caregiver I couldn’t live without would be our team…My 16 year old daughter, the boys Dad, Uncle Richie and myself make up our team. My five year old Broderick is Autistic and my two year old Connolly recently underwent a Bone Marrow Transplant…to hopefully cure two rare forms of Blood Cancer. I have been living in another city at the Lied Transplant Hospital Hotel with Connolly. The four of us must work closely together to ensure Broderick’s and Connolly’s needs are being met.
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I tweeted about the giveaway as well!
It takes a village to raise a family. Given that I have 3 kids I definitely couldn’t do it without my amazing husband and generous mom.
Couldn’t make it without my momma! She’s so much help with my babies.
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I am following Lily Jade on Instagram.
I could not do it without my brothers. When I had a complication my 2nd pregnancy my brothers took turns staying at the house and watching my son for the few days I was in the hospital so my husband could stay by my side. They always stop by to help out with the kids or make sure I’m not lonely, babysit if I have work or need me time. They are my rock!
I checked out Lily Jade’s Facebook page. The caregivers I couldn’t live without are my mommy friends! I’m so thankful that they offer advice, consolation, support and laughter.
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I couldn’t live without my husband. He helps by doing all those little things that make the day go by so much easier. He’s always just a phone call away during the day if I need some one to “talk me off the ledge”!
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