Earlier this month, I shared my “Unfiltered Friday”, in collaboration with Plum Organic’s new Parenting Unfiltered campaign. What is parenting unfiltered? It’s all the moments moms and dads tend to omit from the stories they share and the photos they post on social media, giving their friends and family a much more idealized view than what their life actually looks like.
Plum is encouraging parents to embrace their real lives and treat all aspects of parenthood (even the tantrums and the dirty diapers) as something amazing.
Today, I’m taking a few of the photos you guys posted to the #ParentingUnfiltered hashtag in an effort to create “a day in the unfiltered life” of a typical Mommy Shorts reader.
A quick perusal of the hashtag tells me most unfiltered days contain lots (AND LOTS) of crying, so that will be reflected here! Thankfully, it’s all kid tantrums and the parents seem to be keeping it together.
At least for now.
6:30am: Liam doesn’t want to wake up for school.
6:45am: Allin wanted mom’s coffee but she said “no”.
7:00am: Colt wanted pancakes, NOT WAFFLES.
7:05am: Grace wasn’t allowed to eat cream cheese straight from the container.
7:10AM: Korben’s banana broke in half.
7:14am: Asher doesn’t care if it’s his birthday— he does not appreciate the candle in his pancake.
7:46AM: Caley doesn’t like any of her clothing options.
7:50am: Georgiana hates her outfit.
8:01AM: Ryan thinks her hat is ridiculous.
8:14am: Alexis’ mom peeled back the lid too far on her cup of yogurt.
8:22am: Wyatt learned that leaving the house meant he had to stop playing.
8:30am: Luca was upset because her mom wouldn’t bring her to the park, even though that’s exactly where they were heading.
8:46am: Gavin hates drop-off.
9:01AM: Caitie is devastated because they just left her dog at the groomer.
9:42am: OLIVER is Upset his Mom paused an episode of, “Disney Collector-Surprise Eggs,” to snap a selfie to send to dad while he’s away on a business trip.
10am: Landon did not want to go down for his morning nap.
10:15AM: Elodie realized dirt doesn’t taste good.
10:54AM: Moxie is crying because the mailman came and left.
11:10AM: It’s hard when the Price is Right goes to commercial.
11:30AM: Hudson thinks doctors are no fun.
11:40AM: Alivia doesn’t think flying kites is fun either.
12:00PM: This kid’s sandwich was cut in squares, not triangles.
12:14AM: Belle gets sweet potatoes on her onesie.
12:22PM: Zoe doesn’t like airplane noises anymore.
12:45PM: Gavin doesn’t understand why he can’t play with the kitchen knives.
12:55PM: Aubrie is just mad because she’s immobile.
1:20PM: Charlotte spilled juice on her shirt at the grocery store.
1:33PM: Ysabella apologizes after a timeout.
2:00PM: Adria hates Hawaii.
2:40PM: Lucie absolutely did not want to go to IKEA to buy furniture for her big girl bedroom.
2:41PM: Amy wants the bow on her cape tied tighter but unfortunately it is already tied as tight as possible.
2:55PM: Nola does not want to head home.
3:14PM: Leighton really wanted to play in the high school baseball play-off game.
3:45PM: Brayden broke his third pair of sunglasses this MONTH.
3:50PM: Vincent finished his ice cream before his sister Emma.
4:01PM: Emery didn’t want to be picked up from Grammy’s house.
4:15PM: Alex wanted to play outside but his mom couldn’t watch him while she was making dinner.
5:01PM: Finlee was not in the mood for a family selfie.
5:15PM: Milo did not think it was time to come in for dinner.
5:22PM: Carson and Jackson asked “What’s for dinner?” and did not like the answer.
5:35PM: There is no room left to color on the menu.
5:48PM: Theo tried to throw his bib but accidentally threw his sandwich.
5:52PM: Caroline wanted more cheese dip.
6:00PM: This kid wasn’t allowed to comb his hair with a fork.
6:45PM: Levi’s popsicle was too cold.
7:04PM: Eli got stuck in the toilet.
7:10PM: Mya did not want to take a bath.
7:27PM: Emma is not allowed to use the big girl toothpaste.
7:44PM: Mia was told it’s time to shut off Team Umizoomi and go to bed.
7:48PM: Warren was also not ready for bed either.
7:50PM: Judah really hates pajamas.
8:00PM: Isa just hates night time PERIOD.
Thanks to Plum Organics for helping us give each other this truthful glimpse into the lives of fellow moms and dads. I will no longer wonder if every child tearlessly gives up the iPad except for mine.
I encourage everyone to continue uploading their #ParentingUnfiltered photos. I, for one, will be posting my unfiltered parenting moments to the @PlumOrganics Instagram account all day today. Maybe #UnfilteredFriday will become a regular thing just like #ThrowbackThursday.
The three randomly selected winners of Plum Organics prize packs are:
Kendall, who did not want to sit next her sister Kailyn on the couch.
Tyler, whose mom thought he would like a balloon animal from a clown. HE DID NOT.
Charlie, who did not appreciate this hug from his Uncle George.
Please contact abby@mommyshorts.com to claim your prizes.
Plum Organics is the nation’s #1 organic baby food brand and believes in getting the very best food to little ones from the very first bite. They also believe embracing our common challenges as parents is the first step to having a better life, as you can see in their Parenting Unfiltered video below.
On a personal note, I’m pretty excited they showed a couple sleep training in there!
This post was sponsored by Plum Organics, but all crying children are your own!
These are awesome. Thanks for the laugh!
I seriously just watched the #parentingunfiltered video while pumping in my office at work! Love that that was represented when it’s a reality for working moms everywhere! !
Thanks for this! It has been a rough week with my toddler and it was nice to see I’m not alone.
Jessica dear, you have a toddler! I’m sure you haven’t been alone since that little one made its entrance into this world! Not even to pee I’d bet! 😉
Aw! It’s so hard to be a toddler. Life’s not fair when you’re under the age of 5 and have not yet developed coping skills. My favorite is the little guy so depressed about that candle in his pancake! To be fair, it IS a pretty big candle.
My 4 1/2 daughter Brooklyn just squalled for 10 minutes because she THOUGHT she saw a fly in her bathroom…
my 6yr old daughter areanna cried for almost a hour because she wants to go to paris france and i told her no i cant take her to paris it cost to much money and its very far away and she says “”thats not fair devin ((her 14 yr old brother)) gets to go to camp for 5 days and i only want to go to paris for one day mommy please!!”” also she says im being a mean mommy lol
It is always comforting to know that my kids aren’t the only ones whose “lives are over” when their snacks are cut the wrong way. Heaven forbid a triangle gets in there! I am totally going to join the #parentingunfiltered fun.