I remember when I was in 1st grade, I decided I was going to give myself bangs. I used a nail scissor and cut a small clump of hair in the front about one inch long. My mother took me to the hairdresser to “fix it” the following day.
It’s a good thing I didn’t get my hands on some electric clippers, otherwise my mom would have probably taken me to the wig store instead of the hair salon. That’s after she stopped crying about how her beautiful baby girl looked like an eighty-year-old man.
Have your kids ever cut their own hair? Did they give themselves as bad a haircut as the kid in the video below?
I don’t think so.
Kudos to mom for letting the magic happen. I think there are two lessons to be learned from the video below.
1) Do not leave your electric clippers in an accessible place if you have children in the house.
2) If you walk into the bathroom when the worst has already happened, there’s really nothing to do but film it and put it on the internet.
Have a picture of a haircut your kid gave himself? Post it on the Mommy Shorts facebook page.
Haha I never cut my hair but my brother did. He gave himself quite the hack job trying to remove a june bug from his hair. Ya know cause that seemed easier than just flicking the danged thing off. That’s toddler logic right there for ya.
My dad has fixed many home haircuts by kids being a barber. But us three kids were never one of them. I think it’s because a haircut was always an option. Good for the mother for being so relaxed about it.
I never cut my hair, but I did cut off my eyelashes. I’ve always had absurdly long lashes, and around age six I’d had it with hearing about them. I was always self conscious and figured people would stop commenting on them if they were gone.
Like rachel, I also cut my eyelashes. Not because they were bothersome. I guess because I was bored in kindergarten and the safety scissors were right there? My grandmother told me they wouldn’t grow back. They did.
My 7 year old got a hold of my razor I left in the tub and she shaved her eyebrows. She said she wanted to try one but it looked weird so she needed to shave the other so they matched. Makes sense, right?
Great inthsig. Relieved I’m on the same side as you.
Alan, yes mate, apps nowadays do pretty damn good things and one certainly needs to browse around the Apple app store to find these goodies. Yeah, I will be posting on other interesting apps regularly here at Technology Bloggers, stay tuned mate