
Harlow started walking over a month ago but with the drunk little monkey lunging for my phone every time I tried to film her, I'm just getting around to posting video.

Your baby's first steps are both a magical and a terrifying thing. 

Magical, because your teeny tiny baby is walking like a regular grown-up and it's the cutest damn thing you've ever seen.

Terrifying, because 1) she can get into SO MUCH MORE TROUBLE than before and 2) with her arms awkwardly held out for balance and her legs locked at the knee, it looks like Night of the Living Dead up in here!


Since this video was taken, Harlow has gotten a lot more sure on her feet. This morning she walked all the way from the bathroom, down the hallway, around the kitchen and past the coat closet. She didn't look like she wanted to stop, so Mike opened our front door.

Harlow walked right out without even so much as a wave goodbye.

See what I mean?

Scary stuff.