Okay. Let's get real here for a second. How often do you wash your favorite pair of jeans? (I really hope the answer is "almost never" or else I am going to feel way more disgusting than the average person.)
In my normal life (that would be pre-baby-bump), I have about fifteen pairs of jeans but only two in regular rotation. In my pregnant life, I have three pairs of maternity jeans but one is a pair of cut-offs that will be shelved in a week (if the close-toed shoes I wore yesterday are any indication).
I wear jeans almost every day.
So let's do the math here. I have two pairs of jeans that I wear at least 6 days a week. That would mean, I should be washing them every other day, right?
Not by a long shot.
I do laundry once a week. Does this mean I wash my jeans once a week?
No, no it does not.
But why wouldn't I wash my jeans every week if laundry is being done anyway??
Because I believe that jeans, like cats, have a set amount of lives. Each time they are put through the laundry cycle, that counts as one death.
In my experience, jeans are never the same once they come back from the wash. They shrink if you put them in the dryer (Hello, Muffin Top!), but left out to dry, they turn into crusty hardened facsimilies of their former selves that you must take great pains to wear-in all over again.
So, I put off washing jeans as long as possible.
Well, this week Method launched something really exciting to put me out of my jeans washing misery. They came out with a dryer-activated fabric softening spray that leaves your clothes wrinkle-free and smelling like one of two lovely scents— fresh air or lavender.
In addition to using the spray to soften up a regular load of laundry, Method advocates tossing your *ahem* DIRTY ASS JEANS THAT YOU'RE AFRAID TO WASH in the dryer, spraying a squirt or two, leaving them in for ten minutes and then fooling everyone into thinking you are wearing clean clothes.
I can get on board with that!
Plus, the spray, like all Method's products, is non-toxic and chemical free. It is also hypoallergenic, which means, I've used it five times and haven't been rushed to the hospital with a bad case of hives.
FUN FACT: My mother never bought dryer sheets while I was growing up and by the time I found out about their existence in college, my skin decided it was too late. I had a massive allergic reaction to my fabric-softened clothing and never used one again.
Turns out, this was a good thing since dryer sheets are not the most environmentally friendly of products. Most are made of polyethylene or polyester which can't be recycled after use. And they use animal fat (EW!) as a softening agent. Method's dryer spray, on the other hand, uses coconut oil and comes in a bottle made from 100% PCR PET plastic that can be easily recycled.
I now have a new jeans routine that allows me to keep them in rotation while still smelling freshly laundered (even when I haven't washed a thing) and I'm doing a little something to help the environment.
Me and my dirty jeans. Together we will save the planet.
Spill it— what is your jeans to washing ratio?
This is a sponsored post by Method, but like all sponsored posts, the thoughts and opinions are my own.
My jeans stretch out so I wash them all the time. The “shrinking” part only happens when first put on, they feel perfect after about 5 min of me doing ridiculous contortions with my body to adjust them.
you just gave me the best idea for our science project this year. germ swabs on your jeans.
Whew! I can’t answer the jean question well, as I am not allowed to wear them to work and hello, who wears jeans when not at work when there are glorious yoga pants to sidle into? But I am soooooo glad you asked this question and not “how often do you wash your sheets?” (Answer: probably a lot less than the average bear, but in fairness this is also why I can never be aboard the whole “let’s sleep naked” train).
I also have 2-3 pairs of jeans and I would say they get washed once a week as well. I DREAD it because the first time they get put on again I have to do jumping squats to stretch them out to a comfortable fit! I will DEFINITELY be trying to method spray!
I have one favorite pair that only gets washed when my daughter’s snot becomes obvious on them.
I have one pair of jeans that I’ve washed twice since I’ve had them (almost one year of ownership). The first time was when I first bought them and the second time was recently so there you go.
I am the same way. Unless they get too stretched out or too dirty, I hardly ever wash them. I don’t want to chance it that they will shrink in any shape or form. It takes forever to find a pair of jeans that fit just right and I do not want to mess them up by washing them too often.
Try freezing them instead of washing them.. it will kill all the bacteria, and get rid of any undesirable odor.. then use the method product on the drier for a perfect finish 😉
I used to be like you washing them once every blue moon or so… then I had three kids. My jeans are lucky to make it two wearings before needing to be washed. My two year old has a fascination with licking things… like legs. And arms. And necklaces. And jeans… and between his licking issues and his sticky little fingers as well as the fingers of my 5 year old and her older sister, my jeans look quite colorful after a very short period of time…
I have a one year old so unfortunately (??) it’s more often than i would like. I try to wash my dark denims as little as possible as I hate that ‘greying’ look but unfortunately snot, yoghurt and whatever else my daughter decides to smear on me that day can’t be camoflauged very easily and the distinct smell of sour milk can be quite off putting! Therefore I feel like I am constantly doing laundery and my ironing pile is so high it keeps falling over!
I have about 4 pair I wear all the time, and I go so long in between washing them (unless the kids smear me with something obvious) I could’t even tell you the frequency. I bet you feel a little less gross now.
Off to Target to buy some spray…
Rarely. But ALWAYS after a plane ride to get off that cargo hold plane smell.
Whoa! I thought I was the only one allergic to fabric softeners! I feel so free! I’m not a freak and Downy IS Deadly!!!!
My jeans used to “never” get dirty. Now that I have a toddler there is always something sticky, crusty, or greasy on them. Add that to the no more casual fridays at work and I never get to wear jeans! I long for the days that I could wear them a million times but now I am lucky if I can wear them twice.
I also have 2 favorite pairs and wash them every week or two weeks if they can hold it.
My pre-kid days had me washing my jeans way lass than i do now but I usually get glue or peanut butter or some kind of slop on them. drives me nuts. However, being allergic to dryer sheets also, my mom (and now I do too) used a cup of vinegar in the rinse cycle (if you have the washer to do that. I know at the laundromat I used to go to that doesn’t work at all) and your clothes don’t smell like salad either but are softened a bit and it also cleans your washer a bit too.
HA! Yeah I only wash mine if something NOTICEABLY ICKY gets on them and doesn’t wipe off easily with a wet cloth. I hate how tight they are after washing–and having to do squats and lunges all over the place–plus I too fear that they have limited wears, or lives. 🙂
I have to wash mine all the time. I think I’ve had every bodily fluid possible in my lap. In fact, there’s a 5 month old chewing on my pants right now and they’re slowly soaking through. I suppose I should object, but it keeps her from fussing. My plan is to not buy any more dark jeans until my kids are in college.
Sounds better then Febreze! Haha. I was my 3 pairs of jeans about 2 weeks or so. You’re right, they shouldnt be washed that often but when I sweat in the them in the summer…ew….they need washing. Does Method make enviro friendly dryer sheets then?
Waitwaitwait… you have a one-year old and you are still wearing things that need to be IRONED? Honey, just make that pile the Goodwill pile and start over!
Hmmm. I buy cheap jeans (yeah, that’s right) that stretch out as you wear them so I find myself washing them after just two wears or they’re falling off of me. But it DOES shorten their lives. I wonder if popping them in the dryer with this stuff would take care of the stretching issue without having to wash them?
I love it!! It’s like dry shampoo for laundry 😉 And I love method and know their products rock, so I can’t wait to try this one!
I haven’t ironed anything in about ten years.
Yep. That Snuggles character is really the devil in disguise.
The Method spray is to be used instead of a dryer sheet. So you can use it with a regular load of laundry or you can use it to fluff up, unwrinkle and freshen the smell of a random item of clothing by tossing it in the dryer for a short cycle.
i live on a farm so i liv ein jeans (now prego jeans) and you would think that i would wash them more because i have kids and live on a farm but nope only when they can stand by themselves or smell really gross. also we donthave a dryer right now so everything hangs…i wonder if i sprayed that on them when i hang them up if they will be less crispy afterward…hmmm may have to try
I feel the same as you, I break down and wash them every couple of weeks typically. I have that fabric softener but didn’t know about the denim trick, good to know!
that’s what the dryer is for, and plus most of the wrinkles either get out or blend in with new ones by the time i get to work. what’s the point.
I have about 8 pairs of jeans, but only 4 that I keep in my regular rotation. (I also have two pairs of Pajama Jeans but I don’t count those :). I used to be super lax about washing them, but then I started volunteering at the animal shelter and I don’t really have a choice about washing them after spending a few hours cleaning cat cages.
Sometimes I’m organized enough to keep out a pair of “non-volunteer jeans” that I can wear for longer, or hop into while my cat cage jeans are being washed. Next time I do that, I’ll see about trying that Method spray!
I am also highly allergic to fabric softener sheets. I’m also allergic to dyes and perfumes in laundry detergent, have to get the “Free and Clear” kind.
same here, mine are super cheap too so i wear them 2-3 times before having to wash them or i’ll have droopy drawers – so not flattering.
I’m with the washing only when noticeably dirty crowd and feel a little better about myself now that it know it is, indeed, a crowd. 🙂
Thanks so much for this tip. I love Method products and will be purchasing this very soon. I have 3 new pairs of jeans that I love from Target and I’m already dreading the first wash. They are so much better after you’ve worn them at least 3 times. 🙂
Well now I feel in really good company …. thought I was the only dirty nasty one. Almost never here also. Off to check out that spray!
If it makes you feel any better, I’ve only just recently had the luxury of owning two pairs of jeans, as opposed to just one. In winter, I do go for longer stretches than I should without washing them. They see more of the washing machine in the hot months (let’s face it, living in hot climates can do disgusting things when it comes to sweat and crotch areas), but I probably don’t wash them as frequently as the average person. That spray sounds good.
As for ironing? It’s been against my religion since I stopped having to wear a school uniform, oh, about twenty years ago (my mother was HORRIFIED when she discovered I don’t iron my jean – or anything, for that matter).
I just sent you a high five.