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I imagine having twins is one of the most difficult child-rearing challenges. So it's nice that this pair of 11 month-old girls decided to award their parents for their hard work with a synchronized dinner dance.

Let's hope the synchronization ends by the time the twins hit their teen years. 'Cause dealing with two thirteen-year-olds girls screaming "I hate you" in unison would be really ROUGH.

Seriously, this video might be the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life (particularly the part where they look at eachother right before they start dancing), and that's including anything my own child has done. (Step it up, Mazzy!)


I found this video on NickMom which has really spruced up their site in the past few weeks. Here are three more things that made me laugh from NickMom this week:

Top 9 Similarities Between a Kindergartener and a Co-ed 

Reasons the First Day Back at School Rocks

What You Planned to Accomplish this Summer Vs. What You Actually Accomplished