Have you noticed that you rarely, if ever, see me in my videos? Even pictures are few and far between. I've included a token one up top of Mazzy and me at the Children's Museum on Halloween just because the angle makes my thighs look skinny. (God bless men's skinny jeans.)
Typically, I am more of a behind the scenes kind of girl. I have not been a fan of the stage or the camera since I starred in a camp production of Peter Pan when I was ten and felt like I was going to pee in my pants the entire time.
But I was told (by more than one person) that if I ever wanted to turn my blog into a real (translation: money-making) thing, I was going to have to put myself out there and make some videos.
"Like adorable videos of my daughter?"
"No, like videos of yourself talking."
"You mean like those Her Channel people?"
"Huh. What about a cartoon version of myself?"
"Can you draw animated cartoons?"
"Then… NO."
Well, there you have it. But what would I talk about on my videos? Give advice on how to get your picky eater to shun food altogether? Teach you how to potty train even though I haven't even begun to try? Give a tutorial on how to piss off your husband by using your kitchen counter as an office?
It became quickly clear that I am not an authority on anything.
So I was left wth no choice but to make my "show" about the random stuff you see on my blog. Funny baby videos, celebrity parenting snark, and of course, a healthy dose of Mazzy. Some of it will be a repackaging of things you've heard before and some of it will be new. None of it is executed perfectly, but I am but one woman filming herself with a computer balancing on top of a box on her bed.
Most importantly, the show will only be two-three minutes long. SO IF YOU HATE IT, YOU WILL ONLY HATE IT FOR A VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.
*Deep breath*
Let's hope I don't make an ass of myself.
Are you still here? Have I destroyed my "coolness cred" forever? Did I not have any "coolness cred" to begin with, so we're all good?
If you like the show and you want to know when I come out with more (the goal is weekly), check out the Mommy Shorts YouTube Channel and click "subscribe". Especially since jury is still out on whether I will always post them here.
Also, the blackboard behind my bed says "sweet dreams", not "uterus" as it may appear on camera. So STOP WONDERING.
Alright. Can I pee now?
Nice job! Glad you are putting yourself out there.
Your hair is so shiny!
I’ve subscribed, I think you’re brilliant and so is the show.
Thank you. Combined with my husband’s opinion of the show (“It’s not embarrassing”), I’m feeling much better about it.
Flat iron. Don’t know how I ever lived without one.
Thank you for subscribing! That’s four! And one of them is not even my mom!
I totally read uterus, hahahaha
That was pointed out to me by Sara from Periwinkle Papillon. The camera makes it read backwards. Oh well!
well done!
I don’t hate it! But I don’t get how it is money making unless is sponsored by Huggies ad or something? I couldn’t watch whole thing – not because I don’t like it, but I read blogs when I have been able to successfully distract my children, and sound on an iPad = moths to a flame, so Silent Surfer is my name … ( sorry, too many Berenstein Bear books read last night!).
That was great!! I do like to see the bloggers I read on camera occasionally, seems to personalize it a little more 🙂
Also, your daughter is so freaking adorable, which you probably already know but I figured I should make sure you haven’t forgotten 😉
Thank you! I will add “I don’t hate it!” to my list of glowing reviews.
You can make more money because a) ads on videos have the potential to pay more than ads on blogs and b) it opens you up to more opportunities when you are willing to be a talking head. At least that is my understanding.
But all this is very “pie in the sky”. My take is— I’m not going to get Huggies to sponsor a video unless I make videos, right?
Woo subscriber number 7!! That’s my lucky number!! Loved it! Also loves that now I know how to correctly pronounce mazzy name. And if turkey burger isn’t a sponsor after that they are idiots! So cute!
I like it – it’s short enough that I can pop in and check it out between work projects, and it showcases a little more of your on-line personality. The whole backwards thing always gets me on those videos.
On Twitter you said we’d see “ass” on this. There was no “ass.” That’s totally false advertising. X – strike one. 😉
I CAME FOR THE ASS! Not really, I didn’t see the Twitter post, just the above comment. I like the uterus sign and the turkey burger song. Can the turkey burger song replace the theme music?
Impressive production value and your hair looks great! I can’t wait to have my baby so he can be blog fodder 🙂
How do you do your hair? I absolutely love it! And the show is not bad either. It’s nice seeing you in action.
WAY better than all my awful attempts at vlogging – way to go!
I think your next vlog has to be hair and makeup tips. Nicely done and your new knickname is of course Uterus.
LOVE IT!!! I’m subscribed, and looking forward to the next video:) I had to laugh though, I had to turn up my volume to hear you, and when the music came on it was so loud I jumped and spilled my coffee.
Note: work on sound mix.
I actually made my voice 150% volume to try to match the music. Maybe I have to mix the music down to 50%.
Thanks for the feedback!
You did a great job! After months I still have no music that I like where did you get it? I’m all sorts of afraid of copyright crap. Totally professional and funny and engaging. Yay! I have to come up with something good because Sophia wants a show. I am relieved. She has much funnier things to say than me!
Completely bad ass and awesome. How do you even stand yourself? I subscribe TO COPY EVERYTHING YOU DO SO THAT I CAN ALSO BE COOL.
xo, Lydia
Love it! You’re so pretty. 🙂 My two year old liked it, too. Anytime I watch a video on my computer or phone, the kids come running. She’s the only one home, though.
And I feel better now knowing how to pronounce Mazzy’s name. I was reading it May-zee.
Loved it! Also agree with hair tips! So shiny and straight. Subscribing, now.
Oh I really liked it, the big room/small baby visual made me laugh!
Definitely planning to subscribe. Love it!
Yay! The way you set it up I was holding my breath because I didn’t want to be embarrassed for you…but it was great! Loved the idea. Just be more confident 🙂
Rock star! Entertaining and charming! I’ve told your sister many times, but it’s probably time to tell you too. Mazzy is a living doll. 🙂
Loved everything about it!
No cheating! You may NOT use Mazzy as a prop!!!!
Super cute.
And now I’m late picking up my kid from preschool.
She is my secret weapon.
I like to see bloggers do vlogs too just because you’re like— OH! That’s who I’ve been reading about… but I never ever thought I would do one myself.
She wasn’t even eating turkeyburgers in the video. She was eating pasta.
Thanks for subscribing!
Well, I felt like an “ass” when I filmed myself. I’m saving my actual ass for video #2.
I will consider that. The turkey burger song works with pretty much everything, doesn’t it?
You better send me plenty of pictures. Any day now right??
Flat iron. I can’t tout it enough.
“Better than my awful attempts at vlogging”- adding that to the review section, thanks!
The flat ironing video will be my tour de force. Ten minutes of the most scintillating imagery you have ever seen. Then you can play it every morning and we can all flat iron together!
I was due two days ago!! I feel something percolating though so I have a feeling his arrival is imminent.
Thanks! Those stock music sites drove me out of my mind. I work in advertising so I actually had a friend pull a favor and get an unused demo track from a commercial music house. So it’s actually an original piece.
Touché, my friend, touché.
(I have no idea how to make those accent marks so I copy and pasted from google. You’re right. I AM BADASS.)
Mazzy hates it. I think she’d like it better if it was set to “I Love You, You Love Me” from Barney. She hated the dancing video I made of her too. Not an Eve fan, I guess.
Thank you!
Sounds like I am seriously going to have to get on this hair tutorial.
That was a late edition. It needed something. Glad you like it!
See what I did there? The art of the under sale. It’s a beautiful thing.
I’ll work on the confidence. You should see the ten hours of video of me talking about how uncomfortable I am on video. I think I needed to go through it and come out the other side.
Thank you, we like her too.
YAY! Positive review! Tomato meter rising!
This is great! Sorry it took me so long to view it. Kept meaning to check it out but I kept forgeting. Yay I am subscriber #29! See you on Twitter and Facebook.
I like the show. It was great. However, since I read your blog at work, and I am supposed to be working, do you think you can edit the volume control? Your speaking voice was so soft that I turned it up to hear you; however, then the music came on and it blared out of my office. Not a sign that I am working hard for the boss man. Keep in mind, I am SUPPOSED to be working and not surfing the web.
Keep it up.
I want my blog to be a money maker.
I have to do this, don’t I?
But Mazzy is my go-to crutch! How could I ever blog/vlog without her???
Unfair I know. But totally legal.
Awesome! I hear the 30th subscriber gets a prize!
(Not really)
Okay. In future videos, I will try not to get you fired.
Definitely need to work on audio levels.
Well the money making will hopefully (fingers crossed) come eventually. But public embarrassment definitely seems to be part of the package.
Just look at those Kardashian girls!
Loved the show! I totally subscribed.
Love the “Ode to the Turkey Burger”. At this rate, Mazzy could have her own Disney mini-show soon…
This actually makes me want to attempt a vlog! Except that I hate the sound of my own voice and tend to make weird faces when I talk. Still, I never knew vlogs could be so… well, not cheesy. Your street cred is still safely in tact. And how cute are you? I’m not sure how to say this nicely, so here goes: You come off a lot daintier than I had you pictured.
Did THAT destroy your street cred?
Although I think it is unfair that you are cute and funny and a great writer and good on camera – I loved your show! Totally subscribed but please tell me you can’t sing!
Hmm I love you too much to say something that will ban me from your site. (It’s happened before…you will not find ONE comment from my from a certain citrus referenced blog anymore.)
lolz…it was cute. I too love (read envy) your hair. I would have liked to hear your comments in a more conversational voice though. How would you have said the comments re: Beyonce’s baby’s bedroom to…say to Mike? If you think you’d have used more intonations, smirks, hand gestures….use the same things when vlogging as well.
Now make one more =) Wait….it’s comments like these that get me kicked off Twitter and FB lists. Oh well, I’ll change my name and come back any way.
You’re awesome. When I get the emails with your posts I know I simply don’t have time to read them, but they’re a must…and if you can find time to write them (or, now, record them—impressive!), what the hell’s my excuse if I can’t find time for a few laughs and moments of sanity (I can relate to just about everything, which makes me feel damn good : )
I can’t actually watch the video, but I’m sure it’s amazing!
Also, are those two different boots on your feet in the picture?
2 stars are born! You and Mazzy. I love that turkey burger song – it’s a hit!
Thank you!
Should I start a petition? Wait— isn’t that how Britney started? Uh-oh.
“Not cheesy” is the best compliment ever. Totally what I was going for.
Don’t let the “dainty” thing fool you. I have big feet and can be a total bitch when bitchiness is required.
I actually started college as a music major for voice. Does it help to know that I totally failed at it and switched to art after one semester?
You are not banned. I appreciate the feedback.
Believe me, I am trying my best to be natural. It’s a lot easier said than done.
I actually tried doing it scripted first and hated it. Then realized the only way it works is if i speak off the cuff.
My hands are actually moving but they are cropped out.
It’s all a learning experience— hopefully I will get more natural as I go!
FYI- I filmed the first three together so don’t expect any noticeable improvements till at least #4!
Thank you for finding the time. I make time to write because I love it and I wouldn’t expect anybody to make time to read unless they love it too!
Oh my god! No! I am not nearly that fashion forward! I must have my leg in a weird position so one looks shorter than the other.
Thanks, mom. You’ll be my first thank you every time.
So weird to see you all alive and moving! Fun though! And totally not awkward. You rock.
On another note, I’m loving all the compliments on your hair…mostly because my hair looks like that when I get up in the morning, without the help of a flat iron, and I spend all my time and energy trying to inject some body or curl or anything into it. Guess I should stop that. The grass is always greener, right? 🙂
Cute vid! You’re both adorable!
I was going to say almost exactly what Kandie said. I did love seeing you, but wasn’t sure about the $ thing (and don’t blame you for gittin’ it, we’d all love to be paid to maintain these labors of love). Would it be worth the editing time you’ll spend? I guess you won’t know until it runs for a bit. I personally rarely watch videos online for all the kid-magnet reasons, and because my reader list is getting so long. But you’re super adorable, regardless.
OK, sure, you’re cute – and Mazzy’s cute (seriously!)…. but, I LOVE the music! Your little ditty of a theme song kicks some hard-core ass!
(It also took me about 3 days to actually get a moment to watch this)
Can’t wait for future episodes!
Now I like you more! And me less. Oh, da humanity.
I don’t think that applies.
Anyhow, it’s gold. Keep it up! I might send your a video of Roo. Unmasking him for all to see. Hmmm . . .
“I filmed the first three together so don’t expect any noticeable improvements till at least #4!”
You’re absolutely right. plus, the more I watch it the more I like it.
I thought this was really great actually! I subscribed to your youtube channel but doesn’t look like it’s been updated fairly recently so I’m guessing the huggies ad/makey-the-money from it didn’t pan out? Oh well, I will be watching every video on your youtube channel to get caught up now as well! (mazzy is the cutest thing ever.. turkey burgerrrrr!)