Did you know that some people have children that welcome sleep and take naps voluntarily? (Sounds magical.)

The photo below is from Alicia of Naps Happen.


Alicia says that she stepped inside for a minute and when she returned, she found her two-year-old Cormac taking a snooze behind a potted plant and some lawn chairs.

She's also got photos of him napping at the dinner table, on the stairs, and across an over-turned crate on a screened-in porch. Direct quote: "Naps happen fast in our neck of the woods."

I'm more inclined to believe that Alicia's got a Children's Ambien lab hidden in her basement.

Anybody heard from Cormac lately?

Give your best guess as to what is going on in this picture in the comment section below. Captions will be judged by the current Caption Contest Queen King— Craig (@kevinblah). If you are a returning caption contest commenter, you may be familiar with Craig's work. He likes his captions dark and deeply offensive. He advises you all to go big or go home. 

The winner will be crowned on Sunday in an especially offensive caption contest ceremony hosted by Norm McDonald and Sarah Silverman. The new Queen gets the supreme honor of judging the next caption contest as well as ten tablets of whatever it is Alicia is cooking in her basement.

Note: Alicia accepts "guest nappers" so if you have a funny "napping" picture, submit it to Naps Happen for a possible feature. 

UPDATE: Check out the winning entries here.