I've got a full-time freelance gig at the moment. Which is great except for one major thing. It's in an office with a (brace yourself)— CO-ED BATHROOM.
I have determined this is the worst possible thing that a company can do to their employees. At least their women employees. I assume the men don't care since I have witnessed more than one walk boldly into the bathroom with a newspaper tucked under one arm.
Call me crazy but I would rather pee with a toddler on my lap than have to listen to a male co-worker rustle a newspaper in an adjoining stall.
For the first time in my life, I refuse to use a public restroom. I wait until I get home. And I blame Ally McBeal for this crack in an otherwise lovely work environment.
Somehow, despite the job, I agreed to do three guest posts this week. Today I am supposed to be featured by Shell over at "Things I Can't Say" but apparently her blog is down and she's not sure it will be fixed in time to run the post.
So although I would very much like to link to my post entitled "You Can't Take A Toddler Anywhere", I cannot. Instead I must leave you with a bunch of nonsense about office bathrooms.
I even thought about linking up to MommaKiss and her "Guide to Going #2 at Work" since it's related and hilarious. But her blog doesn't seem to be working either.
And then I headed over to my friends at Rants from Mommyland to see if their blog is broken and their last post is a video of a little girl playing with a dead squirrel. Not like a fake dead squirrel that you realize is a stuffed animal halfway in and it's all one big hilarious joke. No. A REAL DEAD SQUIRREL. Not only that— it's got over four hundred facebook likes. WTF is going on???
OOOOOH. It's Friday the 13th. It all make sense now.
So I'm just going to go to bed. And I hope that tomorrow, BloggyLand is magically fixed and parents keep road kill out of the hands of their children.
UPDATE: I did not go to bed. I wrote a post for "The Red Writing Hood". It's about gorging myself on my wedding day. You can find it here.
Blogger is seriously putting a hurtin on a lot of people. I hope its fixed in the morning too. I spent all day working on a post. Blah. Even the poop stopped flying over at my place. Thank goodness I use intense debate for commenting!
I’m Googling ‘benefits of WordPress’ right now.
Tell everyone to come on over to wordpress! Sorry about the toilets. That’s not right. I used to laugh when the guys on the trading desk would pretty much announce that they were going to crap. They would even PASS THE NEWSPAPER AROUND!
You have got alot on your plate! If you figure out how to make it all work, let me know. 7 years into this, I still haven’t figured it out.
My husband started a new job in a very small office and everyone shares one bathroom. For the sake of his female office workers, I suggested that he find a public john in his building so they don’t hate him. Fortunately, the doorman set him up and he now heads to a different floor — with his newspaper. Men…
(I am impressed by your drive — I would have gone to bed!)
Co-ed bathroom is nasty. Blogger is still broken and that sucks it messed up your feature at Shell’s place.
Co-ed bathrooms are quite nasty. I do love that picture that you found though. It is awesome!
Blogger does suck right now since I follow a ton of blogs that use that platform. Thank GOD I decided to use wordpress from the start!
It’s as if the universe wants me to stop reading blogs and do some actual work. Nice try, universe: Pinterest is still working.
Blogger is feeling better now. We gave it a dead squirrel and it’s own executive bathroom.
Just saw the squirrel video and it almost made me puke! Why would they let her just keep touching it like that?!
this is hilarious. glad your pain is my laughter. i wrote a few regretable emails last night, but i am using “in my defense, blogger was down…”
Thank goodness blogger is finally better- though it seems to have eaten all of my comments from yesterday. Grrrr!
Thanks for being understanding about the feature! I am just now getting home- left the house at 8:30am and didn’t get home until 11pm- talk about a long day!
I’m not even on blogger on it effected me! Oh, the power of the google.
Benefit #1: People stop telling you that you are stupid for not being on WordPress.
WAIT. Are you a trader?? And here I thought you were serving crumpets to your cat between tea times.
Ignore the kid. It’s the only way to get things done.
This is a large office where everybody shares a small bathroom— three stalls. Maybe I should befriend the doorman so he can show me the secret toilet stash. Because I REALLY HAVE TO PEE.
I know. I’m quite sad about it. Post was all ready to go.
You should email Alison above and tell her how stupid she is for not switching to WordPress. I’m sure she would LOVE that.
I was so excited when Pinterest came out— I am a mood board fanatic. But I joined months ago and haven’t used it yet. Am I missing out?
Excellent. New plan: bring dead squirrel with me into co-ed bathroom. Instant privacy.
I have no idea. That video went on for like FIVE minutes. Don’t those things have diseases? And then the mom comes and is all like oh my god, I can’t believe she is touching that squirrel. Ok. Going to walk the dog now— have fun! WTF????
I am scared to check my inbox. You didn’t address one to me, did you?
I am still at work so I feel your pain. I can’t even imagine how I’d panic if typepad were down. Withdrawal is a horrible thing.
So sorry our guest post didn’t work out. Let me know when you want to reschedule!
I love peeing with a toddler in my lap.
Not really, but it seemed like something I should say to block out the image of the man rustling the paper in the stall next to me.
And I loved the squirrel video. Call me crazy. Or unsanitary.
I won’t lie.
(Good luck with your guest posts! can’t wait to read them…)
you’re safe this time, but let’s just say everyone better hope blogger doesn’t try this stunt again… (of course by the time that happens, i will have moved to wordpress)
Ys, blogland has been a bit wakadoo lately and Twitter was wacky on Friday, too – just had to come on over because I am so glad we reconnected! I know I said this before, but your blog design totally ROCKS and what rocks even more? Your freelance gig! Congrats!!!
And that first word was Yes, – nned more coffee. 🙂
I bet Mazzy would have thoughts on a co-ed bathroom. JDaniel would love it. He wouldn’t have to walk into a bathroom with him mom with a girl on the door.
Can’t wait for Mazzy to have post about her creative thoughts. Thank you for your kind comments on my SITS Day! (which thankfully wasn’t at the end of the week.
I can”t help but thinking ‘please don’t let us fall of our WP high horse and crash’…If it ever happens I will blame Ally McBeal for that too.
I can lend you the travel pee cones I purchased before going to China. Just bring a pair of Mike’s shoes to work and pee incognito. Happy peeing!
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