My weekly round-up scours the internet for the best stories relevant to the preschooler set. Or at least the parents of the preschooler set. This week’s round-up includes a random act of kindness, a four-year-old sucking on a binkie, a baby fighting household objects, and a two-year-old with a thing for spiders. EEK!

1) Mom’s Hospital Parking Ticket Paid by Kind Stranger

A mom in Canberra, Australia was in the hospital for several days with her 9 month-old baby. When she returned to her car, she found a parking ticket. Attached to the ticket was a note from a kind stranger explaining the ticket had already been paid. Isn’t it nice when your faith in humanity is momentarily restored?

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2) David Beckham crusades against unsolicited parenting adivce

This week the Daily Mail criticized the Beckhams for allowing their 4 year-old daughter, Harper, to still use a pacifier. David Beckham responded by trashing the Mail on his Instagram account saying, “Why do people feel they have the right to criticize a parent about their own children without having any facts??”

Basically, saying exactly what you wish you said to that nasty old woman in back of you on the supermarket line, who stood there shaking her head at your kid’s public tantrum.

I’m taking notes, David Beckham.




I love babies, I love Instagram and I love Doritos, so I have no choice but to love this new photo series from @herewegoajen, a new mom who photographs her teeny wittle baby next to random household objects (hashtag #WeeBabyVs) to show just how small she is.

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(photo used with permission from @herewegoajen)

4)  Target Eliminates “Boy” and “Girl” Labels in Toy and Bedding Sections

After years of designating particular sections of toys and bedding for “Girls” and “Boys,” Target announced this week they will be removing gender labels. Bravo!

As Abi Bechtel (one of the loudest supporters of this change) pointed out earlier this summer, I don’t think girls need Target to be told which building sets they should be playing with or what bedding they should like. My girls already have their own very strong opinions on these topics, thankyouverymuch.



5) Sam and Nia Suffer a Miscarriage

In my “Kids in the News” round-up last week I featured the surprise pregnancy announcement of vloggers Sam and Nia. I was very sorry to hear that Nia had a miscarriage only a couple of days later. My sincerest condolences. As Mark Zuckerberg said (also in the round-up last week), miscarriages are very common and I think people struggling to conceive benefit from having more of these stories out in the open.

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6) Harlow pets a tarantula

Two-year-old Harlow Wiles shocked her mother and everyone else at an animal-themed birthday party, by making a new fury friend. Not only did she voluntarily pet the tarantula, she carried his cage back to the animal guy’s car!

Harlow’s mom posted a pic on Instagram prompting one follower to comment, “Literally had to go pick up my phone after I threw it across the room.”

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Any news stories about babies, toddlers, kids I missed? Leave them below!