
December was a busy month (for everybody, I’m told) so I am just getting around to writing about Mazzy’s 5th birthday party, which happened way back on December 13th. Ditto for writing Mazzy’s ‘thank you’ notes. I’m still working on those too.

I guess a good mom would take the time to write the notes before she took the time to write the post about how she did not write the notes, but I have never claimed to be a good mom.

I’ll send them out tomorrow. Perhaps the next day. On second thought, if you attended the party and read my blog, please know Mazzy loved your present, plays with it all the time and thanks you from the bottom of her heart. You mean the world to her. XOXO.

Did that do the trick? No? You think the etiquette police are knocking on my door this very moment? Shit. Does this mean I have to invite them in and offer them a drink?

I’m very bad at ‘thank you’ notes. That’s a fact. But I do get to them eventually. If you don’t receive one from me by the end of January, that means it was lost in the mail. Please don’t ask anyone if they received theirs. They were all lost in the mail. It was a very bad day for mail carriers. A whole truck was stolen. Postmen and women all held at gun point. Don’t worry, no one was hurt. That’s the important thing. They captured the culprit too. But they never did find the truck. What a shame. All that time writing the thank you notes.

Where was I again?

Ah, yes… Mazzy’s 5th birthday party. It was a Frozen party, as if I needed to tell you that. Mazzy was not about to celebrate half a decade on this earth without the two people who have meant the most to her all year— Elsa and Anna.

It was not just a Frozen party. It was a Frozen Disco party at Downtown Dance Factory in Tribeca. They handle all the basic party supplies, do all the set-up/clean-up and hold the party in two bright big rooms— one for dancing and one for food. We actually held Mazzy’s party there last year and she asked to have her party in the same place again. I really liked last year’s party so I was like— HELL YEAH! Frozen Disco it is!


Last year was just a dance party though. This year was obviously 1000x better. What with the addition of Elsa and Anna’s faces on all the decor. Don’t their braided heads of hair make everything better?

Speaking of braided heads, that was the big pre-party question.

“Do you want your hair braided like Elsa or Anna?”

Silly question. From Day One, Mazzy has always been TEAM ANNA.



I debated whether to go full-on Frozen decor or subtle Frozen decor. I consulted with Little Miss Party (she sits next to me every day) who has done numerous subtle Frozen themes. They have pretty blue cakes, hanging tissue paper snowflakes and winter wonderland tablescapes with “Build a Snowman” goodie bags containing marshmallows, chocolate chips and pretzel sticks— very chic.

I decided to go the other way— a full-on Frozen theme with Anna and Elsa’s heads on paper plates. The cake would also have Anna and Elsa’s heads on it. The cups? Anna and Elsa’s heads too. There was a big Olaf balloon and a real reindeer running around the place.

I’m kidding about the reindeer. Although, if I had really planned ahead, I would have bought a headband with antlers for Harlow.


There was eating.



There was dancing.




And there was a club remix of “Let It Go” playing on a loop.

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I must say I was pretty impressed with Mazzy’s ability to “work it”. That’s a little scary to say, but at one point they did this runway thing where everyone had to strut down the center and Mazzy looked like she had been coached by J. Alexander (aka Miss Jay from America’s Next Top Model for those of you who didn’t watch that show religiously at some point in your lives.)


During the party, I also had the realization that my kids are involved in a love triangle that will one day tear my family apart. As most of you know, Seri’s son Gavin is Mazzy’s boyfriend. He’s the one dropping his jaw in the photo above on the left .

Well, it seems Harlow has decided she is in love with him too. And by the looks of things, Gavin appears to be leading Harlow on.


Please note that Harlow is very exclusive with her affection. Until this moment, it had been immediate family members only.

At one point in the party, we found Gavin holding Harlow in his arms and giving her a head massage! Right next to Mazzy! On her birthday!


It was like an episode of The Hills or something.

Anyway. Mazzy loved the party. Even if it didn’t look as full-on Frozen as I was imagining. This was mainly because the party room at Downtown Dance Factory is big and I would have needed the entire kingdom of Arendelle to fill it. Also, if someone tells you they can put Elsa and Anna’s heads on a cake for a small fee, ask to see an example of that person’s work. I was expecting a little more than their heads drawn on a square sticker stuck on top of the cake.


But no matter. The next day at school, one mom reported that her daughter came home from Mazzy’s party calling it “the best party ever” and several of Mazzy’s classmates were wearing the snowflake bracelets I had put in the gift bags.

Did I mention the gift bags? I bought snowflake cookie cutters for $1.25 a piece at Sur La Table, Frozen bracelets and pencils in bulk at Oriental Trading Company and added Hershey Kisses for a little something sweet. Cheap and practical. I was quite proud of them.


FYI- this is where I am in my life. A bunch of five-year-old girls wear a $.25 bracelet and I feel victorious. I’m not stupid. I know I have limited time left when things I do are still considered “cool”.

Thank you Downtown Dance Factory for another stupendous party!

Just don’t expect an actual ‘thank you’ card in the mail.
