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Congratulations to Natasha (the winning caption is above) who won a tough race against MommyLisa's caption, "If you don't buy me the Burberry dress, I'll never make it into Suri's playgroup!"

Nastaha's caption won by about 53 to 37. If you'd like to vote in the next "Caption-Off", make sure to join the Mommy Shorts facebook fanpage.

Buttons-badgesNatasha, you are our newest CAPTION CONTEST QUEEN! 

Unfortunately, you are not pregnant, so the Rosie Pope maternity dress will go to…

Ali who said…

"Dammit Mom! For the 100th time, everyone knows you get naked in front of other people at Loehmann's, not TJ MAXX!!!"

Thanks to everyone for playing and thank you to Besa of MominDCity for allowing yourself and your child to be ridiculed on the interwebs.

We all hope you step up your shopping game, put a shirt on your daughter and step away from the sale rack. I'm sure you can find amazing bargains online.

If you're bored and you want more to read, check out my post on Babble today called The Life of a Toddler in NYC, which includes tons of Mazzy pictures. Babble has changed their hated slideshow format so clicking through is now 1000X less annoying— YAY!

Other posts I wrote for Babble this week include:

Does Everyone Secretly Want to Give Birth to One Gender Over the Other?

A Tale of Baby Name Regret

How to Prepare a Toddler for a New Baby (written by Dr. B)

Does Television Make Your Toddler Smarter?

8 Napkin Notes You Shouldn't Put in Your Kid's Lunch


But if you haven't yet seen me in Motherhood Maternity jeans looking like a whale with cameltoe, you should definitley check that out first.

Have a great weekend!

— Mommy Shorts