What with all the Elmo and the Barney and the Curious George and that boring excuse for a train named Thomas, there has been one glaring omission in Mazzy's life. His name is SNOOPY. Or as my sister used to call him when she was little— Noop-neep.
Part of the reason I looked forward to the holidays as a kid was because it meant there would be a Charlie Brown special on television. If I saw a commercial for "A Charlie Brown Christmas" or "It's A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown", I burned the date of that special into my elementary school brain like it was my birthday. Or the day my Sea Monkeys were scheduled to arrive.
No way in hell was I missing out on my annual chance to see Charlie Brown decorate his sad little tree or Linus faint in a pumpkin patch. These television events were just as much a part of the holidays as showing off the clock pen I got for Hanukah or egging the house that gave out Necco Wafers on Halloween.
Today, however, kids have all their favorite YouTube clips, streaming videos and on-demand shows available to watch whenever they want. Gone is the good old-fashioned once-a-year special.
Which is sad, because when it came to Charlie Brown, those specials really did feel "special".
So. When The Peanuts sent me a Halloween themed package complete with my very own copy of "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" for the special's 45th Anniversary, I knew I had a new mission.
First step? Introducing her to Snoopy.
Or more accurately, a very cool sock monkey version of Snoopy.
"What's that?" Mazzy asked.
"It's Snoopy."
Then I emptied the rest of the box. Books, a DVD, crayons, t-shirts and assorted candy.
By the end of the night, Mazzy was coloring Peppermint Patty a lovely shade of green, pressing the "Good Grief" button on the "play-a-sound" board book until I thought about hiding it on top of the refridgerator and making out with Snoopy on the floor (right in front of Elmo mind you).
All was going swimmingly until Mazzy made one simple request.
"Daddy— draw Snoopy?"
Uh-oh. If you remember Mike's version of Elmo, you know that my husband's drawings often leap straight from the page into the nightmares of neighborhood children. Snoopy was no exception.
Although, we are talking about Halloween where terrifying children is half the point.
Say hello to my new front door decoration.
I predict the neighborhood kids stay far, far away this year.
GIVEAWAY: Get your own Peanuts Halloween Themed Gift Box (contents include Sock Monkey Snoopy, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown DVD, Look and Find: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
book, It's the Great Pumpkin Play-A-Sound Board Book, Peanuts Pumpkin Patch coloring book and crayons, two Peanuts themed t-shirts and assorted candy) by following the rules below.
1) You must be a Mommy Shorts Facebook Fan to enter. If you are not already a fan, you can easily become one by clicking "Like" on the facebook widget on my right sidebar or by clicking here.
2) Answer the following question in the comment section below: Which Peanuts character does your kid(s) most resemble? For instance, Mazzy is a Lucy/Linus combo. Super bossy with a blankie obsession.
Winner will be announced on Thursday, October 20th.
Also— check out the Peanuts in their new Got Milk ad:
I have never read Snoopy in depth enough to determine who my kids resemble. That is embarrasing to admit.
Since I have been an avid fan of Snoopy since I was a kid I just had to participate in this! My son’s nursery was even done all in Baby Snoopy. I just bought him a cute “The Great Pumpkin” shirt too.
I would have to say that my little man (who turn’s 3 tomorrow) is mostly fun-loving and has an imagination like Snoopy, but has a touch of Lucy with his occasional tantrums and bossiness.
We own several of the Peanut’s specials, but really… can anyone ever get enough Snoopy in there lives? I love that I am not the only one that shares these special characters with their young children.
I don’t have kids yet, but your blog is hilarious! I worship the Peanuts cartoons, I have already purchased several collections but still need the Great Pumpkin movie. Whenever I have trouble sleeping we put on A Charlie Brown Christmas, and I’ve downloaded the songs for my car… It’s classic, beautiful and fun!
So I guess my answer to the character – kid reference would be that I have 3 cats.
Lucy is obviously just like Lucy the character. She’s bossy, opinionated, and generally tries to “take charge” of the other girls.
Emma, who was almost named Sally, is sweet but tends to obsess a little too much. She’s crazy about my husband… I’m pretty sure he’s her sweet baboo 😉
Paz is very much a Peppermint Patty character. She does things on her own terms, she really likes my husband (may as well just call him Chuck) but also tends to keep him at a distance. She’s a tom boy who likes to play rough.
My little one is a mix of Linus and Schroeder. He loves music and he has one of those soothie blankets that he has to hold to sleep. I have been wanting to introduce him to snoopy but haven’t yet. This would be perfect! And mommy would enjoy it too 🙂
My name is Kimberly and I am a fan of Mommy Shorts on Facebook. My daughter is 3-years old and named Nevaeh Skye, but if I had known of the personality that she would develop I would have named her Sally Lucille (long for Lucy of course). She is a very bright and sweet child (normally) with the curly blond hair of our beloved Sally, it even sometimes arcs up on either side of her head making those little u’s like said character. When she’s being good she is Sally personified, but when she loses her temper she becomes the real-life Lucy van Pelt. She will yell and become bossy and I believe that one day i may even see her yank a football away from an unexpected boy kicker just for giggles.She even yells the infamous, “Ugh!,” whenever she becomes frustrated with those who misunderstand what she is trying to say. Never before have I ever encountered a child who so embodies the dual personalities of these two well-known and beloved Peanuts Gang characters.
My child is a peppermint patty. Outgoing, likes to take charge of things and she can fall asleep anywhere!
My two-year old Ryder, who absolutely LOVES “Soopy Brown”, would have to be a Snoopy/Pig Pen combo with a splash of Rotten Lucy. He has a wild head of red curls which always has a little food stashed in there,and he hits a room like a monsoon. He has a sense of humor like Snoopy, crackin jokes and laughing about everything, who cares if he’s the only one that gets it? I was raised with Snoopy, and i’m doing the same with Ryder! Would love the “Punkin Soopy Brown” Gift Package!
My son is very “Linus” like. He has some really deep thoughts sometimes. Some are quite profound.
My oldest is defiantly Pig Pen, Smart and Dirty! My child middle child is Lucy Bossy! and my youngest is Rerun Smart and adorable and usually the brunt of everything from her brothers!
I so love the whole Peanuts Gang. But The best has to be It’s the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown… Hands down. I was Really Bummed when the took Peanuts out of the Mall of America here in MN. Biggest Bummer EVer!
My son is definatley snoopy…adventorous, funny and most all very loyal to his family and friends
My daughter is like Sally Brown – always trying to do what her big brother is doing and has crushes on big brother’s friends (My Sweet Baboo!).
My son is quiet, deep in thought, and has a good heart like Linus Van Pelt.
They both have blankets that get dragged all over the place, like Linus, too.
What a cool prize. I want that Snoopy for myself. But I will let the boy have it. He *is* Snoopy. He’s a charmer and makes people smile where ever he goes.
My son is a Linus. He’s a very thoughtful child. No blankie, but he can’t go anywhere without his Snoopy. He has about 6 of them (beanie babies, stuffed animals, build a bear, etc…).
My son Samuel is Linus.
My daughter is Lucy for sure!!!!!!!!!! bossy and knows everything!!!!
Oh, and yes I liked you on FB. I would soooo love to win this. I am a Peanuts fan from WAY back!!! thanks.
I am a fan. My 8 year old is like Lucy.
fan of mommy shorts on facebook!:)
my nephew most resembles and behaves like Linus!:)
My oldest is most like Lucy (in charge!), my middle child is most defiantly Linus (blanket used to be attached to him like Velcro), and my youngest is a mix of Linus and Lucy ( She’ll speak her mind, but she’s thoughtful an sweet!) I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE PEANUTS AND ESPECIALLY SNOOPY! !
My youngest son Nick is most like Charlie Brown. We even dressed up like Charlie Brown and Lucy last year for our church’s trunk or treat. We had a pumkin patch in my car truck. We played It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown on a portable DVD player. We loved it!
I like Mommyshorts on facebook!
melissa pruitt
fb fan Hippiefourever Mum
I would say my 2.5 yr old son is a Schroeder, Snoopy Linus mix. Loves music (which he will conduct eyes closed while slowly swaying…unless he is wildly cavorting about). Has an incredible imagination (He is often a Navy Seal entering the ‘water’ backward from the bed while wearing his mask ‘painter’s goggles’ or a soldier with his “ten hut” helmet…any straight or semi-straight object will do for a rifle.) He is also extremely serious and loves to explain things, some of the things he comes up with are truly remarkable.
Until a few months ago, my youngest closely resembled Charlie Brown. Now that he has hair, a thumb sucking habit, and the need to hold a blanket or similar implement every time he sucks his thumb, he has definitely morphed into Linus.
My 3 year old godson is like Rerun because he relishes his role as the little brother to his four teenage brothers. And I have been brainwashing him with Snoopy practically since the day he was born . . . when he had surgery at five months of age for reflux problems, his stuffed Snoopy never left his side . . .
My daughter is a Lucy.
I am a FB liker
My little man is a bit of a muddler like Charlie Brown.
FB: Mary Preston
My kids remind me of LUCY, Peppermint patty and Linus
vmkids3 at msn dot com
Facebook fan (sherrie seruntine cruson) and my toddler granddaughter can be bossy, just like Lucy 🙂
I am a facebook fan! And my 6yo daughter reminds me of Sally – a bossy little (and big) sister! I call it “motherly”:)
FB fan – Danetta Young
My 9 year old is definitively most like Pig Pen. He will not pass up any chance to get dirty and he loves to keep his room so messy.
My son is Snoopy- totally imaginative and FUNNY. My daughter is Sally. She has a slight speech problem like Sally and she sometimes gets annoyed with Snoopy, aka Cade!
My little messy thing is most like Pig Pen.Thanks for the chance.
My boys are like Linus and CHarlie Brown
My boys are like Linus and CHarlie Brown, one so logical and the other so comical
My son is a Linus all the way! He is very shy and loves his blankie! Can’t leave home without it.
Oh, yes I liked you on FB. Under Christy Mxxxx Bxxxx
My 7 yo is Lucy – BOSSY! and my almost 5 year old is Sally – always happy and optimistic.
My Journey is a Snoopy, creative, intelligent, and extraordinary! 😀
Facebook Fan of yours! (Betsy Hoff)
My daughter is very petite so I’m going to go with woodstock!
I grew up a Snoopy fan. My Sister and I tried to introduce her kids to Snoopy but they weren’t interested. It wasn’t until my Daughter came along that we found a true Snoopy fan. She is a little Linus/Sally/Snoopy- She has a great imagination,is truly a sweet girl and is always looking for a snack!
Aww have never seen sock Snoopy, cuteness. My daughter is kind of a Sally/Snoopy mix 🙂 Thanks for the chance!
I like you on Facebook. CJ is a male Lucy…bossy as all get out lol.
fb fan
My daughter resembles pigpen! she can get dirty just walking out the door
ryanac32 at yahoo dot com
My son was a ringer for Charlie Brown at birth, well once the goo was gone anyway. He had a HUGE round head and very little hair for the longest time. He is 11 now and is growing up, but I will always have my memories of him being my little Charlie. My middle daughter is without a doubt Sally. She has a wonderful carefree attitude but is stubborn as all get out. I never realized until now how the two of them really have a Charlie/Sally relationship. So even if i don’t win, I figured something out about my big kids and found a new hilarious blog!!! If I ever figure out which one my 2 year old is like, I will get back to you.
i like you on fb
my daughter looks more like sally and acts more like lucy
I like you on facebook. My little grandson reminds me of Linus because he is very sweet, my granddaughter reminds me of Lucy because she is kind of a know it all:)
smchester at gmail dot com
I like you on FB(Kelly D Saver)
and my son resembles Schroeder and my daughter is a cross between Sally and the Little Red Headed girl (she has lots of curls)
My son is definately a Linus, he is always carrying his baby blanket everywhere
follow on facebook as misty sunrise.
My daughter absolutely resembles Linus! She is 9 and has the same blanket she has had since she was a year old. She carried that thing around EVERYWHERE! She still does sometimes, but wont admit it to anyone but family. lol. I always called her Linus. 🙂
I like you on Facebook. I would say my daughter is definitely a Snoopy — wonderfully imaginative, exceptionally hungry and not afraid to go her own way.
Like Mommy Shorts on FB
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
My middle daughter is Sally 100% (Charlie Brown’s sister). She is constantly talking and asking questions. You never get a moments peace when she’s awake.
boylaneely at hotmail dot com
My son takes after Linus, blue blankee and all. My daughter is a lot like Marcie.
facebook fan: Jennifer Shelep..
I like Mommy Shorts on facebook. My son resembles PigPen.
I ‘like’ MommySHorts on Facebook. My son resembles PigPen.
I’m a facebook fan 🙂
My guy is definitely Charlie Brown…just a nice goofball.
I like on facebook, my daughter is for sure a little lucy thanks for the chance to win eaglesforjack@gmail.com
Linus all the way! 🙂 the little one is quiet and an introvert!
Like you on FB and my daughter is most like Pigpen as she never likes to clean up after herself.
I like you on facebook. We love Snoopy and Charlie Brown. Sydney is 5 and a lot like Lucy, a little drama queen. Thanks for having the contest!
I am a Facebook Fan. I think that my 2 1/2 year old daughter Georgia is a Lucy wannabe. She loves to give advice on just about everything. Right now she gives advice to Jack her 3 month old brother who tends to just look at her and stare in response. I think he will be her Linus!
already like you on FB!
smallstarshines@yahoo dot com
my baby boy, 5, reminds me of snoopy!!!
smallstarshines@yahoo dot com
My son is like Charlie Brown himself… a little naive and kind to everyone. FB fan under Rene Denning. Thanks!
FB fan Sherry Conrad
Dawn = Peppermint Patty
Kyra = Sally
Casey = Lucy
Devii = Too herself to fit in any box
Ian = Schroeder
My 7 year old would be Sally for sure.
Thanks so much for the give away!
FB Fan (Roxanne Kennedy). I’d love to think that my son is Linus but I believe him to be more like Schroeder, possibly due to his love for his little toy piano. lol
I’m a Facebook fan (Tarah M.) and my son would probably be Linus because he loves to play musical instruments!
i like you on facebook tony l smoaks
our son is charlie brown, adorable
I am a facebook fan (Nadine E Larsen) I would say Eryka is a mixture of Lucy (a bit bossy) and Peppermint Patty (sweet and smart)
I am a fan of Mommy Shorts on Facebook
I would have to say my daughter is most like Sally (smart, wants everything to be fair concerning how much her brother vs. what she gets)
My son is like Snoopy doing his own thing.
I follow you on fb. My daughter could probably be compared to Lucy, Bossy.
Facebook Fan: Tesa Shelton
tesashel225 at aol dot com
My son is mostly like Charlie Brown!
I like mommy shorts via facebook
Christy Weller
My daughter most resembles the Peanuts character “Snoopy” She’s always going her own way, doing her own thing.
fb fan-amyd
my son is charlie brown,big time!
I follow on facebook.(Donna Kozar). My daughter is most like Lucy-bosy! 🙂
She looks and sometimes behaves like Lucy.
I like you on FB (Sarah Smile) and I think my youngest is most like Linus. He’s kind of naive and has a really big heart.
Huge fan of Charlie Brown, always loves woodstock and snoopy! My little guy, Oliver, is totally PigPen – he likes to sit in his own poop, ’nuff said. He likes to be stinky. He even giggles at the word “poop”, cracks me up!