Last week, I held an $100 giveaway in which I made everyone share their thoughts on Huggies Diaper Jeans. Rather than just select a winner and call it a day, I thought all of your comments deserved some attention.
In case Huggies is reading this, please note that the following opinions are not mine, but the collective opinions of my readers. If you would like to pay me for my very informative focus group of 118 moms and use it in your decision of whether to re-release diaper jeans this summer, you are more than welcome. Make checks payable to Mommy Shorts.
First, here's the final tally:
Diaper Jeans
Next I broke the responses down into the following sub-categories:
The above findings show that not only are the large majority of respondents Anti-Diaper-Jeans, but the anti-camp is much more passionate in their dislike than the pro-camp is in their love. In fact, of all the pro-comments, there were only two that I would classify in the "love" category. Most pro-diaper jeans comments were wishy-washy and apologetic. Whereas, the "hate" ran deep. As evidence, check out the quotes below:
Quotes from Team Diaper Jeans:
Julie: "I kind of like the diaper jeans. It looks a bit less gross somehow than a big nasty white diaper sticking out."
Evelyn: "They're fine".
Jess: "While diaper jeans are a little weird, if someone gave me some free ones, I would use them."
Diane: "It's not like diapers are the most exciting thing, so I say kudos to Huggies for giving us some variety."
Now compare those to the quotes from Team Anti-Diaper-Jeans:
Andrea: "Diaper jeans scare me. Seriously scare me."
Anna O: "Daisy Dukes for babies. I think I just threw up a little."
Erin Day: "Diaper jeans are the ugliest, tackiest things I've seen. I don't think I'd take them if someone gave them to me, let alone pay good money for them."
Angela S: "They have the tang of acid wash to them. Did we learn NOTHING from the eighties? Acid washed jeans are the work of the devil."
Alison C: "How does one convey a shudder in a blog comment? Because that is how I feel about diaper jeans. They make me want to crawl in a corner and gouge my eyes out."
Pretty telling. Which got me thinking— if even the people who think diaper jeans are "kind of cute" have trouble rationalizing spending the extra money on them, who exactly is buying them? To find the answer, I delved further into my findings…
Again, these results are based on reader research and do not reflect the thoughts and opinons of Mommy Shorts. As support for the above pie chart, I offer up the following quotes from both camps:
Jessica: "I'm not a fan of diaper jeans although my MIL bought some for my son and we did have a good laugh. He looked like a never nude."
Carrie: "Diaper Jeans are scary BUT those commercials. My son was obsessed with them. He made me watch that commercial like 9,000 times. So, yes, yes, yes, I like those diapers."
LindsayTodd: "So I guess since kids are doing it, we can just go around without pants too, right? Oh so underwear is OVERwear now? Lord help us."
Rachel: "R E D N E C K!!!! There should be a dirty faced little kid playing in an overgrown lot with his dog and some abandoned cars in the ad campaign."
Regardless of people's rather extreme opinions, there was one finding that was consistent in both camps— People love the commercial. So in fairness to Huggies, I thought it would be best to end my very unfavorable focus group with their hilariously well-done ad for (whether you're a fan or not) an inarguably creative idea.
Oh crap! In all the excitement, I almost forgot to tell you the winner. Congratulations to Christina Z! Who, if you're curious, is a member of Team Hellz Nay and will most likely NOT be using her $100 towards those acid-washed redneck Daisy Dukes for babies.
Christina Z— email me at to claim your prize.
Everyone else? If you don't mind, please throw ONE MORE VOTE my way for Top 25 Funniest Moms. It's the last day and I'm in 20th with a bunch of people right on my tail. THANKS!
Gotta say once they hit the stores this past summer thats all my kiddo rocked until he grew out of them (they didnt make size 6) so from size 3-5 he was wearing them we actually bought out the union square babies r us of the last of the size 5s.
I loved them. they were super cute, looked better under the clothes then typical diaper there was no difference in the quality of the diaper and it was the same price.
just my thoughts… and sometimes its easier to take a poppy jean diaper away rather then a mickey or elmo cause toddlers see their friend and grab for them.
Huggies should totally pay you for your research on their diaper jeans and your fancy charts.
I think I fall in the “mothers who are suckers for funny commercials category.”
Died laughing.
Also loved NEVER NUDE. Awesome. And I am in the minority that finds Diaper Jeans acceptable and kind of cute, and I actually did not like the ad AT ALL. So, sorry, you have to revise the pie chart… No wait, maybe I’m a redneck. I do like pick up trucks and the occasional Carrie Underwood song.
Hmmn, I guess this just goes to show that although I say I’ve “gone redneck,” I really haven’t. 😉
Somehow, I just can’t imagine myself picking them off the shelf and paying for them. I could THINK about doing it, but I don’t think I could ever actually DO it. hah!
I dunno, I think they are absolutely adorable, and assuming they were the same price as the other diapers, I would totally buy them. Even though I never saw the commercial.
Well, I wish you had weighed in last week! Focus groups, by definition, always tell a very small part of the story.
And now, I will be looking for you in the Union Square Babies ‘R Us. You know, to throw diaper jeans at you and what not.
Are you sure you fully understand the concept of pants?
Everyone had said in the previous post that they were more expensive but Dadarocks above disputes that claim. So, as usual, I bring no actual useful information.
Dude, I’m bummed I didn’t win. if you’re looking for a sexy blogger to review your site, look no further.
Although, an Arrested Development joke does relieve quite a bit of my bummedness.
I love the focus group, and their witty comments. Great job
I love the charts and graphs. Especially because you added “fathers that accidently buy them…” because that would FOR SURE be my husband. And then he wouldn’t want to return them…and would be too cheap to let me throw them out. So i’d end up the mom with my kid in diaper jeans at a playdate.
On a side note…in the first diaper jean photo…is he wearing a super tight (muscle showing) grey sweatshirt? I feel like Jessie Spano should be worked into that image somehow.
How did you come up with all these answer choices?! You are one funny lady, Ilana!
I’ve never seen these before, but now i’m going to watch that commercial!
Answers were supplied purely by actual commenters. I take no credit for any hilarity that might ensue from their responses.
Are you calling that baby AC Slater?? Because if so, Lisa Turtle will kick your ass from here to Screech’s next porn flick!
Arrested Development references can also be used for depression, hangovers and bad hair days. It’s nearly impossible to overdose.
They’re shirts for your legs, right?
I’m still hung up on the fact that they should technically be called jean diapers. Or denim diapers.
Huh. Now that I look at it, doesn’t sound so great. It’s like that time my grandmother asked me what size “denim slacks” I wore.
All these kids are going to grow up thinking pajama jeans are acceptable. Diaper jeans are a gateway faux pas.
You see this post? This is a fabulous example of why you should be much higher than 20th on that list! Mwah!
crazy how the majority of users were classified as “rednecks”… excuse those of us who have a sense of humor about them. what about us moms who use cloth diapers? maybe ill be classified as a hippie redneck…
Moms with a sense of humor were represented on the pie chart by the category: Moms who are suckers for funny commercials. If I ever redo the chart, I would be happy to segregate the redneck section by hippie and non-hippie. Happy diapering!
hahaha! it’s all good! heck, if i can just get my kid to keep ANY diaper on ill be ok! =) xoxoxo
In its recent update on the world economy the IMF said that interest rates can and should stay low “for the foreseeable future” to mitigate the effects on aggregate demand of tighter fiscal policy.
When my daughter told me I was finally going to be a grandmother my second reaction was I will dig out my brothers old denim diaper jeans (from 1951)! All four of my children wore them and I used to say I could sell these. I was however, too lazy. Another missed chance…