Today's baby profiling is about a social media expert and his fancypants sister. Plus we've got an entry from Becka who writes Ramblings of a Stay-at-Home Mom. She's got a son with a shoe fetish who needs to aim a bit higher.
Nickname: Snickers
Build: Athletic
Signature Style: Disheveled Prep
Favorite Grub: Bananas
Can't Live Without: An iPhone
(Editor's note: Me neither!)
Favorite Book: Goodnight Moon
Pet Peeve: When Mommy takes
back her iPhone
Best Trick: Checking in on
Future Career: DJ
Nickname: Sweetcheeks
Build: Peanut
Signature Style: Fancy
Favorite Grub: Cupcakes
Can't Live Without: Coloring
Favorite Book: The Sesame
Street Dictionary
Pet Peeve: "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!"
Best Trick: Prolonging bedtime routine to over an hour
Future Career: Bossy Princess Chef (Editor's Note: She's a pioneer!)
Name: Evan
Nickname: Squishie
Build: Linebacker
Signature Style: Arnold Palmer
Food Philosophy: Carnivore!
Can't Live Without: His blue
Favorite Book: Barney's Color
Surprise (Mom's Note: Help us!)
Biggest Obsession: Shoes
Best Trick: Hiding his binky right
before bedtime as a stalling
Pet Peeve: Sleeping
Future Career: Shoe salesman
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