Mike and I started this decade as total parenting newbies, with a three week old baby girl. It is honestly hard to remember what life was like before then. Over the course of the last ten years, we have had both welcome and unwelcome challenges. We’ve learned things and learned how much we have yet to learn. But when I think back, what I remember most are the joys. Joys so all consuming, I don’t think I even fully understood what joy was before kids.

This was the decade everything shifted. Our family grew, our friendships changed, our community was formed. This was the decade I left corporate America and started my own business. I wrote a book. We bought a house.

2019 was not the easiest year. There have been some successes and some setbacks. (FU, Home Polish.) To be honest, we still feel like parenting newbies. But what I know is that Mike and I are entering 2020 with two of our favorite people on earth. We always knew we wanted two kids, but we could have never imagined these two. Mazzy and Harlow have filled our lives with so much love and laughter. They are my very favorite people. I feel honored that I get to spend the next decade, this life, our lives, walking alongside them.

Thank you all for following along!

What else happened over the holidays?

• I wrote about how we spent Chrismukkah and why it’s become my favorite family tradition.

• You shared the strangest things your kids requested from Santa.

• Mazzy met THE REAL SANTA.

• You shared your own moments of unexplainable holiday magic

• We took a tour of the newly renovated Empire State Building Observatory Experience, which, incidentally was where we captured our holiday card photo this year.

Yes. You heard me right. I sent out holiday cards. It was my first time and now I can check off my final New Year’s resolution from last year. Mike is still in shock.

What resolutions are you making this year? Or, better yet— tell me something that you’re proud of yourself for checking off last year!

Happy New Year, everyone!