
In the last episode of the Mommy Shorts Show (for now!), Randi Zuckerberg comes over to discuss her new tech-friendly animated series on Sprout called Dot. But first, I have to pry Mazzy and Harlow away from their iPads so that they’ll say hello. Easier said than done.

I’ve also got a brand new segment I like to call “Mike on the Street.” It consists of me begging my camera-shy husband to participate on my show and him reluctantly walking around Washington Square Park asking complete strangers about their potty training experiences and doling out packages of Pampers Easy-Ups. Probably not a situation Mike ever thought he’d find himself in when he married me.

Something that didn’t make the cut? Mike accosting a tall blonde woman and prodding her for tales of poop and diapers. “I’m sorry, you want me to talk about what?” she yelled back. “POTTY TRAINING!!!” Mike screamed in her direction as she kept walking. “NO, THANK YOU!” she yelled as a crowd watched their exchange. That tall blonde was Karlie Kloss, aka Taylor Swift’s best friend. Mike had no freakin’clue. One day, I’ll have an epic outtake reel.

Hope you enjoy this episode!

While we were filming the interview, Mazzy spent the majority of the time drawing. It wasn’t until Randi was packing up to leave that we all realized Mazzy had drawn Dot, the character on the front of her book. Pretty masterfully, I might add.


Another favorite moment that wasn’t caught on film was Randi and I exchanging and signing our books for each other. I’m not sure who suggested that but I sincerely hope she enjoys my book!


Thank you so much to Pampers Easy Ups for sponsoring these past five episodes! Today, you have one last chance to win a $250 Target gift card + a three month supply of Pampers Easy Ups!

Last episode’s winner was Kelly H. To enter this week’s contest, all you have to do is subscribe to my YouTube Channel and leave a comment below.

Winner Update:

Congrats to Lindsey T! Please contact to claim your prize!

The new Pampers Easy Ups Training Underwear are designed with a 360° stretchy waistband that makes it easy for toddlers to pull up and down. They are super soft to feel like cotton underwear, but you can be rest assured, they still have the great leak protection of Pampers.


In addition to the giveaway, Pampers is offering a coupon that you can print at home for $1.50 off a pack of new Pampers Easy Ups Training Pants. Clip the coupon here.


 This episode was sponsored by Pampers Easy-Ups but all thoughts and opinions are my own.