Today, I am off to the Mom 2.0 Summit in Miami. Yes, I am aware that I just got back from Mexico on Friday. And yes, I feel totally guilty and all "I'm such a bad mommy" about it.
Thanks for asking.
But I'm being sponsored by an awesome new company called UrbanSitter (more about them soon but check them out if you live in NY, San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, San Diego or Seattle) and the trip is short— I'm coming home Saturday night.
While I was trying to figure out what to post today, I found this old video of Mazzy which suddenly seemed appropriate.
It's from back in January and at the time, I didn't realize the significance but now I understand that my daughter is clearly mocking me and my frequent traveling.
I promise, sweet pea. When I get back, I am not going anywhere for awhile.
If you are going to be at Mom 2.0, please say hi! No matter how interested I might look in my phone, I assure you, I'd rather be talking to someone.
Yup, she was totally taunting and mocking you, little cute stinker. 🙂
Have fun in Miami!
Mazzy is so cute! She’s not mocking, just imitating! Don’t feel guilty about leaving! Enjoy what you learn at Mom 2.0 (I want to know!). And love that chalkboard door!
fricking hilarious.
also? her little voice slays me.
Ha- I read that first as “irritating”. I was like, well I thought it was cute but I’m her mom I guess…
She’s super cute. But I get what you are saying (my hubby used to travel a LOT for his job-glad that’s over). I stay home with my boys, but I also don’t get to do anything terribly interesting (I mean, aside from getting to watch my boys grow up-that’s pretty cool). But there isn’t very much for ME to develop and grow and there are days when it is just excruciating. So go to the thing. Enjoy yourself! Hug the Hell out of her when you get home and enjoy what time you DO have together. Working Moms should never feel guilty. You are all Rock Stars in my eyes.
That’s adorable and caught my 2 year olds attention from all the way across the house! he came running in sat down and giggled at this video making me replay it over again too funny 🙂
I take it you ask her What she’s dooin’ when you get back from all your “trips”? 🙂
I’m back….Watcha doin? Too cute!
So cute! My daughter does the same thing, except she goes to work on her Little People bike, purse and all. She also likes to use a refrigerator magnet to “text”. Have fun on your trip and don’t feel too bad, a little bad is normal but don’t beat yourself up over it.
I hope you’re wearing your bike helmet to Mom 2.0 Summit.
“Have a nice trip!”
Sooo wish I were there to meet you.
She kept having to do it over and over again because no one would open the door for her to actually go on her trip is all….just kidding very cute and my husband just started working out of town and my 27 month old for some unknown reason has come to the conculsion that Daddy is just sleeping all the time every day he ask “Where’s daddy” then he whispers and puts his finger to his lips and says “shhh daddy nite nite” Enjoy your trip.
She is so cute! Have fun, I wish I was going to be there. I’ll just be home with my daughter and the little lice buddies she brought home from school yesterday. Grrrr!
She is adorable! Have a great trip and battle the mom guilt.
Kerry at HouseTalkN
I am reflecting up on the fact that when Lucas imitates me that it usually involves cleaning the bathroom counter. Perhaps it’s time to schedule a vacation.
Have fun, you. And never forget: Conference swag makes the best Mommy-missed-you-so-much-she-brought-THIS-home-for you gifts.