As promised, below is “Mazzy’s Birthday Party: The Video”. (Yes, I am aware that her birthday is not, in fact, a national holiday even though amount of coverage suggests otherwise). With special guest appearances by Maia, Gavin, Matias, and the love of Mazzy’s life, Charlie. (Supposedly, there was a kiss that I didn’t catch on camera— it’s like it never happened!) I should warn you— while going through the footage, it became glaringly obvious why so many people left the party with a goodie bag full of MSB (Mazzy’s Stomach Bug).
See for yourself…
Happy Birthday, Baby! from Ilana on Vimeo.
Music: Party Like A Rockstar by Shop Boyz funny baby video
Awesome! …and yeah, no wonder everyone got sick too!
Your videos will always and forever put me to shame. Wanna come over and film C for me?
If you include a plane ticket, any time.
Happy (belated) birthday Mazzy!
Mazzy parties so much harder than me, I feel truly shamed.
Oh the crashed out in the crib at the end….
There was period somewhere in my 20’s when that didn’t happen.
Now it happens again.
Happy Birthday, beautiful girl!
Keep those videos coming – they are better than VH1
Ha ha when she’s about to eat the cupcake she’s like “You really gonna let me eat this? Awesome!”
I am so incredibly happy that I am not the only person on the planet whose 1st child’s first birthday got everyone who attended, horribly, horribly ill. One close friend ended up going to the hospital because being 7 months pregnant and non-stop vomiting does not make a good combo. I have never lived it down, luckily, I got ill too so they can’t beat me up too bad about it.