Here's the music video "Whip My Hair" from Will & Jada's daughter, Willow in case you've been living under a rock since earlier today.
Honestly? I am putting it on my workout playlist IMMEDIATELY. But it's got me a little worried too. Does anybody remember two weeks ago when Jada was toting Willow around to all the fashion shows like a brand new Marc Jacobs bag? And everyone was talking about whether this was an appropriate after-school activity for a little kid? Well, now that all seems a little coldly calculated, doesn't it? Couple that with the Smiths' foray into Scientology and I'm sure you've got one massive PR machine behind a nine-year-old. And we all know where that can lead…
I hope that Willow's attitude is part of the act and that someone is working overtime to make sure it stays there. Will & Jada— please try to steer Willow towards the humble and talented route. The short-cut to strung-out and insufferable is a very easy left turn.
What do you think? Are you already busy choreographing your mother-daughter dance for the Christmas talent show? Are you dreading the day when your pre-teen asks for lip jewelry? Or are you just happy that the Smiths most likely have a posse of nannies to deal with all that attitude?
Love it and hate it. Emma and Sophie (ages 7 and 3) already have the pouty, booty-shakin’, eyeball rollin, lip smacking singing and dancing thing going on. This will not help! I think Willow is adorable, but that much attitude this young is trouble. Girls are sassy enough without kiddie role models making it look cool. p.s. what’s with the lip jewels?
Emma loves it. Everything about it.
Agreed. I’m glad she’s not my kid. And if every little girl starts taking their attitude cues from Willow, we are all in trouble.