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Great news, folks! Parents Magazine named me "Best on Instagram" in their 2014 Social Media Awards! What does this mean? This means, not only can I take pretty pictures that make my life look 10x better than it does in reality, I can also exhibit the total lack of class it takes to shamelessly beg people for votes!

Take that @Etst, @Bleubird, @AmandaJaneJones and @katiehintzzambrano. You might have outstanding instagram feeds, but you do not have it within yourself to annoy your friends and followers for two weeks straight.

I WIN!!!!!

No, seriously. If you want your instagram feeds to be peppered with daily photo inspiration of beautiful families, follow my fellow nominees. They are WAY better at making their lives look amazing than I am. Or perhaps their lives really are this amazing? Hard to tell.

Follow @etst on Instagram:

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Follow @amandajanejones on Instagram:

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Follow @bleubird on Instagram:

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Follow @katiehintzzambrano on Instagram:

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And if you are still not following me, what is your problem??? Follow @mommyshorts on Instagram:

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Thank you to everyone who voted for me over the last few weeks. An even bigger thank you to everyone who voted for me more than once. You guys are awesome.

FYI- I came in second in Best Blog. So it's good to know there's at least one person more shameless than I am. I'm kidding! Congratulations to Kate from Chasing Rainbows. Well deserved.

I will try to beg you for things only once a year.


xo, Mommy Shorts