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Last Saturday, we took Mazzy apple picking. It sounds simple, but modern day apple picking seems to involve everything from petting zoos to carnival games to waiting as patiently as one knows how for apple cider doughnuts. (Speaking of petting zoos, check out NickMom’s “Top 9 Reasons Why Petting Zoos Should be Outlawed”.)

I think we had fun. We discovered Mazzy likes live bluegrass music. And that she makes an excellent substitution for an apple picker pole.

But we also discovered that when exposed to varied terrain (fields, orchards, outdoor food courts, etc.), Mazzy is like Carrie Mathison in Beirut. Turn your head for a second and she’s gone— the need for adventure totally outweighing all common sense. (Okay, maybe that wasn’t the best analogy, but I’m so excited Homeland is back on, I just couldn’t help myself.)

Below is a series of pie charts that properly break down all “fall family activities”, so you can make a proper judgement call before you dedicate an entire Saturday to chasing a toddler while lugging a bushel of apples.



Currently, Eliza and Cole are battling it out in the preliminary rounds of the Evil Baby Glare-Off. To weigh in on which baby you think deserves to make into the final cut, go to the Mommy Shorts Facebook Fanpage.