There are three kinds of costumes that kids wear on Halloween. Some kids wear costumes that their parents obviously picked out for them (those are the babies going as Game of Thrones and Stranger Things characters), some kids wear character costumes that are popular with every kid that year (those kids are usually dressed as minions, princesses and superheroes) and then there are the kids who go against the grain and come up with totally unique costumes on their own.
I wanted to give a special shout-out to all the kids who had very specific visions for what they wanted to be for Halloween and the parents who didn’t try to stand in their way.
Below are the true Halloween Heroes:
Don’t forget to post pics of your kids costumes to the Mommy Shorts Facebook page or use the hashtag #mommyshortshalloween and tag @mommyshorts on Instagram. I’ll be posting the Halloween Costume Awards on Friday, November 2nd!