If you read that headline and thought I was talking about parenting, HA! I know nothing. I consult Google any time I want to expand my parenting knowledge. Sometimes Google sends me back here, which is HILARIOUS.
I'm talking about blogging.
Months and months ago, some friends of mine in the computer, starting talking about starting their own blog conference. I was like, yeah, that sounds great. Sign me up. Whatever. Let me know when I need to be somewhere.
I thought they were bullshitting about all the extra shit they'd like to accomplish if they ever had a free moment. Like reorganizing your medicine cabinet. Learning to make pasta by hand. Rereading the classics you didn't appreciate in high school.
That sort of thing.
If these people ever did get it together to create a conference, we were talking about the year 2035, right? I wouldn't even be blogging by then. I might be dead, for all I knew.
But, you know what? After our conversation (on facebook messages no less), those people went off and ACTUALLY STARTED A BLOG CONFERENCE.
It's in June. In Baltimore. It's called Blog U and I'm teaching two sessions. One on Instagram and one on monetizing your blog.
I guess I need someone to watch the kids.
"Ummmm… Mike? Think you could take care of the kids by yourself for a few days? No, not like a sitter. Like THEIR FATHER. Yes? Thanks."
Anyway, if you are a blogger yourself, and I've got to think that some of you are, I think you should come.
It's not going to be a big fancy blogging affair sponsored by Samsung and Cottonelle or anything. It's going to be held at the University of Notre Dame of MD from June 6th to June 8th and we will be staying in dorm rooms. Tickets include food, lodging and a full conference pass for the low low price of $249. It's going to be small and casual and probably have some of your favorite bloggers there. Not just teaching sessions, but holding one-on-one office hours. I don't know if anyone knows what one-on-one office hours means yet, but hopefully it won't involve sexual favors in exchange for better grades. That would be weird.
Who else is teaching sessions there?
People like Honest Toddler, Baby Sideburns, People I Want to Punch in the Throat and My Life and Kids to name a few. Check out the full cast of characters here.
Baby Sideburns and I will be sharing a dorm room. And probably a hot plate. And a shower caddy. I hope she doesn't bring any frat guys back to the room and then hang a sock over the door knob. Then I'll have to drag her mattress out into the commons area while she's taking a shower.
You think I'm joking but THAT HAPPENED. Ask my college roommate. I don't fuck around.
Anyway, here's the link to purchase tickets. I think I might actually have some knowledge to impart. Like, if you really want to grow your blog, the best way to do it is by meeting people and making friends with other bloggers. In person.
That's LESSON #1. Totally on the house.
Hope to see you there!
Wow – how exciting! I don’t even blog and want to attend!
Some of my all time favorite bloggers are going to be here so I’m doing everything in my power to go. I’ve even asked my mom to buy my ticket for my birthday… even though my birthday is in May, it could be a really early present right?
I’ve already researched plane tickets and know what I need to save so hopefully I will see you there!
I’m not a blogger (though I’ve often wanted to be), but I am a local… will you do a meet and greet session that would be open to locals instead of the whole conference? I’d love to meet you!
I’ll assume that by “favorite bloggers” you mean me. But that’s okay, we don’t have to tell Ilana.
I cannot wait for this conference and to hang out with you again, Ilana! It’s going to be fantastic! Since I’m a speaker I’m a teeny bit biased, but I really do think BlogU is going to be an incredible learning experience.
Can I go even if I’m barely blogging anymore?
I’m good at moving mattresses.
Ok. I totally want to go. Ate Canadians welcomed? I promise I’m nice 😉
This is the worst weekend ever for me…but I so do want to be there. Some of my best blogging buddies are making the trip. I kind of feel like all my Senior friends are heading off to college and I’m stuck with one more year of high school. Boo.
I know you didn’t really put together the whole conference, but consider this to be a reminder from your blog to your friends:
“Also, if I ever put together my own blogging conference, the first thing I will do is sign up a freakin’ water sponsor. Evian, Poland Springs, Fugi, I don’t care— just something to make the pregnant people feel like they are not going to pass out and die.”
As a blogger who doesn’t blog, I will probably spend that $250 on diapers instead of a ticket. As a native Baltimoron, I really really must tell you about Miss Shirley’s Cafe. Yeah yeah, crab cakes. Steamed blue crabs, ok fine. Miss Shirley’s breakfast blows all the other food in our fine city out of the water. I can’t adequately describe their coconut cream stuffed French toast without changing my panties. You would be doing yourself a grave disservice by not going to one of their two Baltimore locations during your stay. No, seriously. Go to their website. And have a tissue handy because you may drool a bit. http://www.missshirleys.com