
Wendy Copley may be out of her mind for designing and documenting the daily bento box lunches she prepares for her kids but she is also clearly talented. Her faq page on her website shows she has a definite sense of humor about her creative venture. And you have to applaud her answer to one of her most frequently asked questions, "Don't you have anything better to do?" She says:

"Yes…In order of priority, I should be doing the following right now: showering, folding the stinkin' laundry, vacuuming Cheerios off the living room floor, exercising, sending out more resumes…but instead, I'm cutting toast into the shape of a cat. What a waste of time!"

I hear you, Wendy. After I post this, I'm going to pick the lint off the living room carpet so the baby isn't tempted to eat it again. I'd much rather be creating cheese stars and strawberry hearts. Please take the time to go to Wendolonia and look around- Wendy's got lots more bento boxes and everything is super pretty to look at.