We give up a lot for our kids— our sleep, our social lives, our sanity—and that’s especially true when they are first born. Sometimes we’re prepared for the changes we need to make, like the fact that you have to resign yourself to the same three to four t-shirts that you don’t mind getting spit-up on…but other times, the sacrifices of motherhood sort of blindside you.

Like giving up cheese. CHEESE!!!!

Anybody else have a baby with a milk allergy? Then you will definitely relate to Esther of Story of This Life, who vlogged about the list of “approved” and “unapproved foods” on her new milk-free diet, recommended by her doctor to use while she was nursing.

It’s a sad, sad list, but in the end she acknowledges that as soon as she looks at her baby, it’s all worth it.

When she’s not looking at the baby, though? All bets are off.

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