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Yesterday, I took Mazzy to a weaving class where she is learning to knit her own sweaters. I thought it was just a unique after school activity until a scout from FIT noticed her crocheting skills and asked if she would be interested in creating her own knit line. It will be sold at Bloomingdales across the country.

I would be excited except it might conflict with Harlow’s Broadway show schedule. Did I mention she landed the starring role in Matilda? Rehearsals start in two weeks. I hope they serve her a proper lunch there. If not, I’ll just start bringing my homemade chicken fingers made from local farm-raised chicks and breaded with spelt.

Well, I didn’t really make them myself. I taught Mazzy how to make them and now she cooks for her sister. Which is great because it gives me more time to mix my own chemical-free household cleaning products.

Wow! This lying stuff is really fun! Watch the moms from the Break Womb do it…

You should totally try it in the comments below!

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